airport-first meetings (part 2)

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OkOk part twoooo :33

All George could do in response was smile, and reach out and grab Dream's hand.
"C'mon, let's go.. home"
Dream hadn't had the time to get himself breakfast, but he couldn't find it in himself to care currently. All he could focus on was the warmth and comfort of George's hand encapsulating his own, and the phrasing of what he had just said. Home.
"Yeah, let's go" He responded fondly.

They walked to Dream's car in a comfortable silence, never once letting go of each other's hands- still processing the foreign concept they could physically touch each other. As they reached his car, Dream let go of George's hand and got into the drivers seat.
Instantly missing the sensation, George frowned as he got into the passengers seat. Without a second thought, he laced his fingers through the younger mans hands once more- slightly taken aback by his newfound confidence.
He wasn't one to shy away from physical contact with those he was close to, but it was rare for him to initiate it.
As Dream felt his right hand become occupied once more, his face flushed a rosy pink - making George laugh.

God I love that laugh.

He thought to himself, and he covered his flustered face with his spare hand, exasperated.
"Clingy are we Georgie?" He teased lightly, trying to get the focus off of his reaction.

"What? Pshhhht.. noooo..." George scoffed, yet despite that, he squeezed Dream's hand tighter.
They sat in silence for a few seconds more, before George spoke up.
"Ok ok stop being in love with me for a bit, and drive us home- I'm tired from the flight"

The taller man found his heart racing at the statement, and at his core he was unable to deny it. Though the flirting was certainly amped up when streaming, he had found himself finding it less and less of a joke as time went on. It may have been wishful thinking, but since around November 2020, George's attitude seemed to have changed too, giving Dream hope that whatever he was feeling might be requited.

"Shut upppp oh my god" was all he could muster himself to say, as he fiddled with the radio and turned on the nearest station.

The pair proceeded to drive home, making comfortable conversation, and still holding onto each other's spare hand like their lives depended on it.

George himself was equally as flustered. He had been having certain.. thoughts.. regarding his best friend, but assumed it was all down to a lack of interaction, and it didn't amount to anything really. But any suspicions he had about his feelings towards the man besides him were confirmed as soon as their eyes met at the airport. He would never admit it out loud but.. he loved him.

God. I'm actually in love with my best friend, what the fuck..
He thought to himself, almost annoyed about it. How had he let himself fall for his best friend.
He glanced over shyly at Dream, who was focused intently on the road. Once the younger man noticed, he looked towards George quickly and smiled reassuringly, before facing back towards the road.
However, he now began to rub gentle circles into George's hand, which made his brain short circuit.

Maybe being in love with him isn't so bad.
The feeling could be mutual

He allowed the fluttery sensations to overcome his senses, pleased with the contact.


As they arrived at Dream's (notably very expensive looking) house, Dream whispered "I'm not sure if Sapnap is awake or not, but be quiet just in case... he's such a bitch when he gets woken up"
George snickered at the light hearted insults, as they walked through the door- still absentmindedly holding hands.
As it it turned out, Sapnap WAS awake and eating breakfast, and as the door opened he shrieked "GOGYYYYYYY".
He ran towards the older man, and practically knocked him over with a huge bear hug.

Besides himself laughing, George responded jokingly "Hey Sappy Nappy". They stared at each other, silence broken by George stating smugly "I'm taller than you, by the way."
Mortified, Sapnap began to yell profanities, begging to never let twitter (or any social media for that matter) get wind of this knowledge.
Staring happily at his best friends messing around, Dream walked through the door further, and rested his hands on their heads, "Well, you're both short to me, so don't even try."
George rolled his eyes dramatically, "Ok Mr Six foot fucking Three".
All three of them laughed, perhaps harder than necessary, running off a happy, excited high.

Suddenly, Sapnap faced Dream and asked matter of factly, "Hey wise guy, why did you go and pick up George without me?"
Shaking his head lightly, Dream responded, "Cause if I wake you up, you bitch and moan the whole god damn day!"
George giggled at this, making Dream blush slightly- hoping it wasn't noticeable.

However it was, further pushing Sapnap's next point.

"Yeaaaahhh right. You two were probably making out or something and didn't want me to be there- I saw you two holding hands walking in!!" He stated, making obnoxious kissy noises (to the pairs dismay).

"You idiot, we weren't making out.." George sighed.

"Yeah! Not yet at least.." Dream smirked, half joking (half not).

Eyes wide, George's face began to flush a surprising shade of red, "DREAM!" he shouted, covering his face with his hands in embarrassment.

"Awwww Gogy Wogy it's okkkkk" Sapnap cooed sarcastically, peeling George's hands from his face.
The older man just grumbled.

Suddenly a noise vibrated from Sapnap's pocket, and he quickly whipped out his phone.
"Oh shit, gotta take a call.. one second guys.."
He said in a hushed voice, walking into his room.
"You're an idiot and I hate you..." George called after him mockingly.
With a flip of a middle finger, Sapnap closed his bedroom door, leaving the two boys alone once again.

"So.. could you show me my room? I'm pretty tired.." George asked, tone much gentler than how it was addressing Sapnap.
"Yeah of course, follow me"
Dream eagerly grabbed George's hand again, leading him to his room.
The room itself was a result of Dream's blood, sweat and tears from the past few months.
He had built the furniture, installed the bed, and set up his spare PC for him- all in anticipation for George's arrival.
The smaller man looked around in awe, "Wow.. I expected this to look empty, you did all this for me?"
"Of course I did, it's because I lo- .."
Dream caught himself before he said something he would potentially regret. Those previously jokey words seemed to carry more weight now.

Whilst George had caught on to what his friend was going to say, he decided not to push- far too tired to overthink. Since it was still only the morning, he stayed in his clothes as he climbed into his new bed. Thoughts clouded by fatigue, he asked with little confidence, "Can you lay with me too? I'd appreciate the company."

And the physical affection.
He thought to himself.

Dream's head was spinning at the proposition, but who was he to say no?
Without a word, he climbed into bed- and draped an arm over the smallers shoulder, pulling him into a warm embrace. He rested his chin on George's soft hair (like he had done at the airport), and enjoyed the tranquility of the situation.

George exhaled happily, snuggling his face into Dream's chest- far too at peace to worry about the meanings behind these actions. He could think about that when he woke up. He slowly began to doze off, sedated by the tallers body heat.

15 minutes passed, and Sapnap poked his head through the doorway- curious as to where the two had gone, and as he saw the pair his mouth dropped into a mischievous O.
Positioned facing the door, Dream saw this and glared, signalling not to wake the older man up. Sapnap nodded slowly, however taking a photo of the two before leaving, making Dream groan in exasperation. He had better not see that on twitter later.
He focused his attention back on the slender man pressed up against his chest, heart fluttering lightly. He gently began to fiddle with George's hair, amazed at how silky it felt between his fingers.
This was truly bliss. He was so happy.


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