♡𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟷♡

Start from the beginning

Rainbow Dash: "Aw, Thanks AJ. You're Awesome. But what about you? Is there anything you wanna tell me about?"

Applejack's eyes widened, Should she tell her? I mean Rainbow told her about her past. But she realized the look on Rainbow's face; A sincere and a concerned look. 

Rainbow Dash: "You know...You don't have to tell me if you don't want to, Not forcing you or anything. I just...Feel like I should know. Not because I'm curious...But because I care."

Applejack didn't say anything back, she still hesitated. Granny did say she couldn't tell her anything personal, But she was the only person she had to talk about it. And she needed to let her emotions out. She just sighed.

Applejack: "Well...I did have a rough passed also. I...got bullied at school for almost my whole life. And I still do to this day. I got teased for my accent, Beat up.. *sigh* Everything.."

Rainbow Dash: "I'm so sorry, AJ. But why would they make fun of your accent? It's cute."

Applejack blushed at Rainbow's compliment, She never heard anyone say that before. But she was confused when she blushed, Did she have feelings for Rainbow?

Applejack: "T-Thanks...But that's not all."

Rainbow Dash: "Oh?"

Applejack: "Yeah...I had 'friends' But...They only used me because they felt bad for me.."

Rainbow had no words for Applejack, How could someone so amazing get bullied like this? She did't deserve this. She also witnessed that Applejack was gonna cry any second.

Rainbow Dash: "AJ...Is everything okay?"

Applejack: "No...Everything is not okay. They even told the whole school that I was a lesbian. Well, some people still supported me on it. But most people didn't."

Rainbow Dash: "Don't feel bad...I get bullied for that too..People assume it because of my hair. as you can see, It's rainbow. Okay..You can go on. But if you don't wanna talk about it anymore, You don't have to. I don't wanna see you upset."

Applejack felt good to hear that Rainbow doesn't like when she's upset. Which means, she likes when she's happy. 

Applejack: "It's Okay..I'm okay talking about it."

Rainbow Dash: "You sure?"

Applejack: "Yeah."

Rainbow Dash: "Alright, You can go on now."

Applejack: "Alright well...*sigh* About what I said to you a while back...I had said that I was antisocial because I was born that way. But...That was a lie.."

Rainbow Dash: "It was..?"

Applejack: "Yeah.." Tears had formed in Applejack's eyes, This was one of the worst and difficult things she had to talk about; How her mother passed away.

Applejack: "I was antisocial ever since I was 4..That's how old was I when my mom passed away.."

Rainbow was shocked, She had empathy in her though. She knew what it was like to lose her parents at a young age. But loosing them forever? She couldn't imagine that. But she had a little empathy in her. 

Rainbow Dash: "Oh My Gosh.."

Applejack: "Yeah...Loosing my mom at such a young age was so hard for me. And it still is."

Rainbow could've sworn she heard Applejack cry a little, which made her upset. She couldn't bare to see Applejack like this. 

Rainbow Dash: "AJ...May I ask what happened?"

Applejack: "Well...My mom had met someone online. They became best friends...Then they decided to meet each other. And a couple of weeks after them meeting each other...My Mom...She.." Applejack trailed off, she started crying. She couldn't go on, It made her upset remembering what happened to her mom. Rainbow didn't know what else to say, All she could do was comfort her. And that's exactly what she was gonna do.

Rainbow Dash: "Applejack, Don't say anything else. You're already upset, I'm so sorry for asking. I should've never asked."

Applejack: "I-It's okay..."

Rainbow Dash: "No it's not Applejack, I regret asking that. I had no idea..I'm so sorry Applejack. But...Just know your mom is watching over you. She never left you and never will. She's in your heart, And your in hers. Remember that, Okay?"

Applejack: "Okay.."

Rainbow Dash: "And also..Your friends may have back stabbed you but know that you have me. As your friend, I'll always stick by your side. Even if there's never a chance where we meet each other in person, I'll still always be your friend, No matter what. If you ever need somone to talk to, You can talk to me at any time. I'll answer."

Applejack was shocked that Rainbow said those words to her, That was the first time she felt like she was worth it. 

Applejack: "T-Thanks Rainbow."

Rainbow Dash: "You're Welcome. Now wipe your tears away and chin up. People may not see you the way I do, But know it's all gonna be okay. I promise."

Applejack: "Okay...Thanks Again Dash. I'm glad I talked about it, I needed to get it off my chest."

Rainbow Dash: "Well I'm glad I talked to you about my problems. But know you can talk to me anytime."

Applejack: "Okay, I will. You'll be the first one I call.

Applejack noticed that she had butterflies in her stomach, But why though? It kinda confused her, Did she have feelings for her? That was the only question she could ask right now. Her eyes widened at the thought. If she blushed around Rainbow and had butterflies in her stomach; which happened a few times. Then you all know what this means..

'Oh Boy...I think I caught feelings..'

                                                                                                 To be continued...

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