Chapter 7

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I AM SO SORRY I HAVENT UPDATED THIS BOOK IN A WHILE. I FORGOT ALL ABOUT WATTPAD. Im going to try my best to update this book. Also ima try to to explain things more while in writing cause I got myself confused. Please forgive me and enjoy the story

You may be wondering why Shoto and Bakugo bought a house. Well you see, UA is shut down because of a villain attack. It destroyed the building and now they have no where to go. Mr.aizawa told them they were going to have dorms but it didn't happen. So they bought a mini house, using all the money they had. Fuyumi sent shoto endeavors credit card to help them buy a house. And it worked! Now the couple can live in peace without paying a lot.

They still attend UA, but only in online classes. Which sucked. They had to record themselves fighting so Aizawa Can rate it and tell them what they need to work on.

Ugh, I hate doing this online shit! For once in my life I actually missed going to school. But the good thing is that I get to spend time with shoto....Well maybe not. Ever since we bought the house I had to work to pay for food, water, heat, and gas. Shoto is trying to find a job but he can't find any places that are hiring. So the best he can do is ration food and not use a lot of light and heat. I worked as a store manger, which is the best! I get to yell at people. Hehe, but then I have to control my temper or else ima get fired by the big boss.

As I was walking home, I got amazing news. The store I work in is now hiring, that means I get to spend time with shoto! I entered the house and saw Todoroki talking to some dude. I could feel my heart beating in jealousy. I was quite overprotective, and it's hard not to show it. 

"Oh hey Katsuki!"  Todoroki smiled and waved at me. I waved back as I slipped off my shoes.

"Who's this guy?" I asked, trying not to show any signs of anger.

"No one really, I found him when I was walking back home after going for a walk. He was looking for someone to talk to, so I invited him into the house" Todoroki chuckled in embarrassment.

At this point we were acting like adults, and we're barely in the second year in UA. Now we have to go through this stuff. Just great.


I met this guy when I was walking home. He told me he needed someone to talk to. I wasn't that dumb to just invite him in the house. I asked why he choose me and he said because I'm endeavors son. I hate being called that. But I nodded and lead him to my house. Honestly how dumb am I. When we got home he started telling me that he was a pro hero in a mission. I asked for proof and he showed me his id. This hero was one of Aizawa's sidekicks. But he left aizawa to work alone. He telling me that when I graduated from UA, that I work with him. The thing is, I wanted to work with katsuki and my friends. So I just kept making excuses but he kept begging me.

Honestly, is this man a grown man or a child in a man's body.

katsuki grabbed my arm and pulled me to the our room. The pro hero was just watching us.

"Shoto, I love you and all but you can't bring a stranger to our house!" Katsuki yelled. I scratched my neck and sighed "Kat, he's a pro hero. I saw his ID and he wants me to help him with hero work. But I wanted to work with you and the others when we graduated" I sighed and sat in the bed. This is to much pressure.

"Wait, why did he choose me!?" Katsuki whined. I laughed a bit as bakugo looked at the pro hero with rage in his eyes. "He told me he choose me because I was enjis kid" I mumbled.

When I looked up I saw that Bakugo left the room and went to the living room.

"Hey! I need to leave!" Katsuki yelled, pointing to the door. "I can't leave, I need to-" katsuki had enough and picked him up. "Out!" The pro sighed in a annoyed matter and left "I'll come back when you graduated" then he left. I watched him leave and laid down in his bed.

What. A. Day

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