Start from the beginning

Downstairs in the living room

Caitlyn is sat on the sofa reading her book for her AP English class when her Dad comes home and he smiles when he sees his oldest daughter sat on the couch

Caitlyn: Hey Dad

Danny: Hi honey what are you reading?

Caitlyn: Heart of darkness by Joseph Conrad for my AP English lit class then I get to write a paper about the main theme of the book and it has to be over 3000 words

Danny: That is a very old book where did you get a copy of that?

Caitlyn: I called Grandpa Tanner again and once again he came through for me and he send me a copy of it and so far it is really very good, I finished my other homework and I came down here to read because DJ had Kimmy over and she kind of annoys me and I knew that Uncle Jesse and Joey could take care of Michelle and Stephanie is up in her upstairs trying to find the perfect outfit for her first day of School tomorrow, oh and I made the girls their lunches for tomorrow

Danny: You know that I am very proud of you don't you?

Caitlyn: I know Dad I also hope that Mom is proud of me too

Danny: I know that she is

Caitlyn: Will you come and read with me?

Danny: Sure, honey I am just going to go and check on your sisters then I will be back and we can read together okay?

Caitlyn: Okay Dad I will go and make some hot coco for both of us and I made some chocolate chip cookies

Danny: I will be right back

Danny heads up the stairs to check on his other daughters

Danny enters DJ and Stephanie's room
Stephanie: Hi daddy!
DJ: (sleepy) Hi dad.
Danny: (turns on a light) Why is everybody awake?
DJ: I'll show you (flips the covers off of Stephanie's bed).
Stephanie: (wearing a bright pink dress, carrying a lunchbox, rises from bed) I'm ready for school!
Danny: Honey, you're ready for the prom.
Stephanie: You said this would look good.
DJ: Hey, if you can't have fun with your little sister, then what's the point in having one?

Next morning, Danny and Caitlyn are in the kitchen, Jesse and Joey enter.
Danny: Good morning boys.
Joey: Mornin' Pa, Hoss.
Jesse: Little Joe.
Danny: How did it go last night?
Joey: Well, I started out great, but right in the middle I
Danny: No.No, I meant in the bathtub with Hoss.
Jesse: Look, I finished Love Me Tender, we did a short medley from Viva Las Vegas, and got the hell out of the tub.

Caitlyn: I don't think I want to know what happened and Joey I already made DJ and Stephanie's lunches for today they are in the fridge.

Joey: Wow Thank you Caty
DJ and Stephanie enter the kitchen.
DJ: Dad, we're all ready.
Danny: Girls, I don't want to brag, but Chef Boy-r-dad has made some super great lunches for a super great first day of school. And you know what Stephanie, for you, I've got a brand-new lunchbox! (shows Stephanie a 'Jetsons' lunchbox)
Stephanie: The Jetsons!
Joey takes the lunchbox, imitates the sound of the Jetson jet car as he gives it to Stephanie.
Joey: (imitating George Jetson) Hi, I'm home. Hi Jane, hi Elroy, hi Astro (switches to Astro the dog voice). Hi George, how was your first day of school?
Danny: And DJ, for you, I've got a brand-new Barbie lunchbox!
The girls turn to Joey.
Joey: I don't do Barbie.
Jesse: Oh darn.
Caitlyn: Okay I have to go to school, Dad I have my Glee club meeting after school today so I won't be home until 6 is that okay?

Danny: No problem

Caitlyn: Uncle Jessie can you pick me up?

Jessie: Sure, kid I will pick you up around 6;15 is that okay?

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