no named chapter

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Watch the video!!!!

With Tenzin and the airbenders. 

Everyone had been called to a meeting to discuss the new arising threat of El Capitan.

"I will be stationing a squadron of airbenders all around the boarders of Republic City, I want Ikki to tell Cheif Beinfong to send in her earthbenders to collapse those tunnels. Rohan (Lets just say he is like 8-9ish) I want you to make all the train stations explode."

"Like, BOOM?" Rohan asked in a excited tone. 

"Yes, it you don't know how to do that then you can ask Meelo, he tends to make stuff explode." Tenzin said.

"LEEEEEEEEEETTSSSSSSSSSSSS GOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Meelo yelled. He, Rohan and Ikki ran out of the meeting room to fulfill their tasks, after maybe a fart or so. 

Back with Jinora and Kai, 

Jinora and Kai were already up in the air heading to airtemple island. After that much needed break, they were very energized. 

When Jinora and Kai landed they were met with  shouts, screams and farts.

"Take cover." Jinora told Kai. "Its the air siblings!" 

Now, my dear reader. I take that you do not know what a air sibling is. Air sibling's, are the siblings of Jinora when they are full maximum. Keep reading to find out what that is. 

Ikki flew off to Cheif Beinfong as Meelo and Rohan managed to get there hands on all the cans of pepsi and mento's and four hundred tons of solfiruc acid.  (Don't try this at home unless you want to blow up your house.)

"Rohan, we are going to make the biggest explosion Republic City has seen!"Meelo shouted as they tumbled through  the court yard and towards then train station. 

"We better get into the air temple if we don't want to be disintegrated," Kai mumbled as he and Jinora ran towards the temple. 

And thus came the most exhausting week known to man kind with explosions, farts, pepsi, earthbenders,  sleepless nights, train stations and whatnot. 

On one of those sleeples nights Jinora managed to stumble, break a vase frighten to cats and land flat on her face, Kai, being the prince charming that he was ran towards her and ade sure that she didn't have any bruises. 

"Jin, why don't you come sleep with me?" Kai offered. The poor girl was so exhausted that she just nodded and followed Kai to his bed room were they snuggled for what seemed like hours. And, that night, became one, were Jinora and Kai were finally asleep and calm. 

A little break from Kainora, lets join our favorite air sibling, MEELO! 

"THIS IS SO EPIC!!!!!" Meelo yelled as watched the first staition exploded. 

"NO KIDDING!" Rohan yelled along. 

Just watch the video please, tell me if it made you laugh in comments. 

"And this is just the beginning." Meelo cackled.

Rohan and Meelo proceeded to get another 400 tons of sulfuric acid. 

"Oh, no you don't you little airbender brats!" A guard snapped. 

"Oh yes we will-" Rohan was starting to say when Meelo went at the guard butt first yelling, "TASTE MY FURY!" The guard was knocked out by the stench of Meelo's fart. 

"Sweet, can we get a load of your farts and set it on fire?" Rohan asked innocently.   


They actually did weaponize Meelo's fart, it was a great explosion,   especialy the stench *shudders* It knocked out hundreds of soldiers. 

With the Earth Benders. 

"Cheif, we have a break through." One of the earth benders yelled. 

Standing in the smack in the center  of the tunnel, was around estimated 100 tanks with a leader tank, and in the tank was..............



Yup, I posted again, curtsy to the fact that I am sick I am in online school. So, Ya! 

Please comment, vote and follow me. 

That's it! 


Agent Moon, OUT!

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