The other members

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"This is so weird! This is Sitara and Nainavati? My nieces? My nephew Sidhartha? Rohini's children?!" Kunti asked shocked.
"Nainavati? Naina's name is Nainavati?" Tara cried and burst out laughing in that tense situation. Even Sidharth was trying his best to suppress his laughter.
"I know right!" Krishna said from the screen joining Tara and Sidharth on their laughter. Naina looked at them annoyingly.
"Whatever it is...why are we brought here Vasudev?" Karn asked Krishna.
"Well there's a reason behind every thing Angraj. I needed some company with me in Kaliyug to get my siblings back to Dwapar yug. Moreover it was a good bonding time. Right??" Krishna asked.
Karn and Arjun looked at each other knowingly. They had infact spoken with each other with peace for the first time. It was the first time they had spent some time together without wanting to rip each other's heads off.
"Moreover...You three are the most important part of destiny's game. Soon the other members too will arrive in this game. And you all will get to know some things that you all have to keep with each other without informing others about it. You all will get to know some amazing facts about your lives. Be ready!" Krishna said looking at Kunti who seemed a little pale. What secret was Krishna talking about? Karn's birth? What is happening?
"Who are the other members?" Sidharth asked curiously.
This was like a game show with sudden entry of characters. Hardly had she finished speaking when the door bell rang suddenly.
The door was opened.
Pranipaat...we are lost. I am prince Bheem and this is prince Duryodhan " a large man said.
The girls looked at them weirdly. The three sisters looked outside. It was raining heavily.
"Let them in" Naina said .
"Wait Nainaa...are you sure?" Sidharth said looking at them suspiciously.
"What's wrong?" Tara said from behind.
She came out and found two large men standing at their door.
"what's the matter?" She asked sternly.
"Pranipaat devi...this is Bheem and Duryodhan  from Hastinapur. We have information that our brother Arjun and friend Karn are with you." One of the guys said.
The friends looked at them trying to figure out what the hell was going on in  their lives? And this was not the first time they were experiencing such an encounter. The girls let them in. They had the right information after all.
Duryodhan and Bheem entered their house.
"This is a vichitra house indeed." Duryodhan said .
Bheem was struggling a little as his frame was much larger compared to the other things in the house. Arjun who was noticing Bheem's struggle couldn't control his laughter any longer.
"This laughter is...Arjun!!! Anuj! Where were you all this while!?" Bheem said noticing Arjun. He hugged Arjun.
"How dare you laugh at my struggle. Devi your house is very small" Bheem said to Tara who didn't know how to respond.
"mitr you are here. Thank god!" Duryodhan said and hugged Karn.
The information about Sidharth, Tara and Naina being the Yadava prince and princesses was conveyed to them.
"What are we going to learn Krishna?" Bheem asked .
Duryodhan too was extremely confused.
"Please be seated all of you! Maata Kunti has something yo say" Krishna dpoke from inside the screen.
Kunti looked at Krishna.
"You wanted to reveal the truth Bua. It is the right time now" Krishna said.
"Well maybe my sisters can help you a little. " Krishna said.
" Maata Kunti's secret? About her being Karn's mother?" Tara asked.
"Or her killing her eldest son by taking his word that he will not killing of his son?" Sidharth asked.
There was painful silence. Karn looked at Kunti searching for answers. Kunti couldn't control herself. What Sidharyh said was troubling her immensely. She would kill her own son ? How could she take such a word from her own son? This couldn't be true! Arjunw as too shocked to react. He looked at his mother and looking at her expressions he realized that it was indeed true.
Bheem was still trying to process the statement while Duryodhan was looking as if he had lost his mind. Sidharth, Naina and Tara were not sure how they should react. It seemed the others were unknown to these truths.
"You were a little harsh Sidharth.  Well why did they fight each other that too should be conveyed to them right?" Krishna said.
"Wait the varnavrat incident where The kauravas had tried to burn the pandavas ?" Sidharth was a little unsure.  He had last seen Mahabharat when he was in school. Now the incidents were a blur memory.
"As per I remember it all started with the cheer haran of Draupadi where all the pandavas and the kauravas as well as Karn were silently witnessing the cheer baran of a kulvadhu" Naina said.
Everyone were shook by her words.
"CHEER HARAN! Cheer haran of a kulvadhu!? and everyone stayed silent! How is that ever possible!" Kunti said.
Duryodhan didn't know what to say. He would try to kill the pandavas in the varnavrat. But...he couldn't do such a thing! He couldn't be a murderer. Karn was disturbed by the idea of a cheer haran and him being silent at that.
"And what about me?" An elderly voice was heard.
"Pitamah Bheesm!" Arjun exclaimed. So Pitamah was their final member.

Heya ShaPoo fans!!!! New book is out with Shaheer and Pooja as leads. The book's name is Hum Tum. Give it a read guys!

 Give it a read guys!

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