But when she told me about her mom- I snapped. I want her to understand that I care, I really do. But, God, I know she's too good for me. She won't remember what we had..


I returned to the bakery day after day, hoping to see Niall. I took a seat, after getting a chai, and a pastry. "Good morning, dear!" Mrs. Barnett hollered over the counter. I waved a bit. "Niall isn't here yet!" She cried, seeming to read my mind. A small piece of sadness crept through me. I was glad for the book I had brought with me.

Just as I finished chapter 5, I heard the bells ring on the door, and looked up. Niall came in, with a tan bag, and some flour. He rushed to the kitchen. "Niall!" I yelled. He turned around and saw me, and smiled. "Hey Ems!" I blushed. Ems. I reconzied that name from my childhood. But it felt so right when he said it. I grabbed my cup and threw away my wrapper and went into the kitchen. "You brought flour? That's my job!" I nodded at the bag. He smirked. "You said this wasn't your job." I sighed. "Are you always this damn stubborn?" He laughed. "Yes." I held back a grin. "Here," I tossed him a poppy muffin. "What's this?"

"Breakfast! Eat up. This baking business is hard work." I chomped onto a fresh muffin.

He rolled out a sheet of pastry dough onto a pan, and I brought him some sugar. "You must be an expert," he mentioned, clumsily spreading on frosting. "I suppose," I answered. I took his hand and helped with the frosting. He smiled. "Thanks." I held onto his hand a little longer, then went to go get some dough from the fridge.

We laughed and baked all day- and soon it was dark outside. There were few customers outside the kitchen. I began to gather my book and things. "Hey," I heard. Niall was beside me, looking right into my eyes with his frosty blue ones. "I was wondering, maybe you wanted to go to dinner tomorrow- you know, somewhere other than here." He smirked. I nodded. "I'd- I'd really like that," I smiled. He reached for my hand, and entwined his soft fingers in mine. "See you then," I whispered. He nodded.


At 7:30 I was supposed to meet Niall. I got a text from Sam as I was furiously brushing my tangled hair. "So i heard u were goin on a date ;)" it said. I chucked. "I guess so :)" I replied. She told me to tell her about it after wise. I decided to leave my hair down. I picked out a nice pair of jeans and a floral top. I did my make up quickly and drove out to the restaurant.

When I got there, it looked like a black tie restaurant, and I immediately regretted wearing my casual pick of clothes. I walked inside. It was noisy, with some jazz playing in the background. The server cheerily smiled at me. "How many?" She asked me. "I'm meeting some one." I told her. She nodded and I looked around.

Niall was sitting in a booth. I hurried to meet him.

"You could of told me to dress formal!" I laughed. He slid a menu over to me. "You look beautiful, Ems." I scanned the menu. "What do you want?" He asked me. "Hmm, whatever you do!" "How about some chicken?" He suggested. I nodded.

The food was delicious. We ordered some red wine as well. "Man, that was good!" He said. I put down my fork and took a swig of wine. "I need to stop eating- but that was amazing!" I giggled. He took his last piece of chicken and waved it around in my face. "You know you want to eeaatt meee!" I laughed and shoved it away. "No way!" "Suit yourself!" He shoved the whole piece into his mouth.

The ticket came, and we payed. We went outside and he walked me to my car. "I had fun, Ems." He told me. I smiled. "Same here." He put my hair behind my ears. "You're so pretty, Emily." I blushed. "It's true," he whispered. I took his hand and squeezed it. We gazed into each others eyes. I felt his warm breath on my cheek. He wrapped his arms around my back and pulled me closer. "Kiss me!" he laughed. I pressed my lips hard onto his. His warmness spread a satisfaction throughtout me. "Come to my house?" His blue eyes burned into mine. I sighed. "I'd love to- but my car!" He rubbed my fingers. "It's okay, we'll come back for it." I got into the passenger side. I was still in shock at what happened- but I felt comfortable with him.

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