chapter seven | greer's misunderstanding

Start from the beginning

Rosie nodded her head. "Right. Well, you don't have anything to worry about, according to Adam."

Greer scoffed in response. "He keeps saying that."

"You don't seem convinced by his words."

The blonde girl merely shrugged. "Or maybe I just like to mess with him."

Rosie dropped her mouth. "Greer--"

"Relax, I'm just joking!" she laughed, playfully shoving her friend. "I just need some space, and I'm sure Adam does as well. We'll be over it tomorrow, don't worry." Once she waved off the conversation, huffing a sigh. "Anyway, is that all you wanted to corner me about?"

Okay, this is it. No turning back now. "Actually, I wanted to ask you about something else." Rosie paused as her nervousness was increasing, but she did her best to not show it. "I wanted to ask you about...well...about your lifestyle."

"My lifestyle?" Greer raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, you know, being a part of..." she trailed off, losing her ability to finish the sentence.

The blonde let out a giggle. "I think I know what you're referring to, Rosie," she assured her. "What do you want to know?"

To her surprise, Rosie widened her eyes and continued on. "I mean, I'm just curious about--"

"--joining?" Greer cut her off.

Furrowing her brows, Rosie gave her a confused look. "What?"

"Oh, bloody hell," she muttered, huffing a sigh and motioning Rosie to walk with her. "Rosie, there's some things you need to be aware of before you even get that idea in your head. Most of these things concern you."

"Me?" she asked, puzzled at where she was going with this.

"Yes, you. Everything about the way we live isn't easy. Adam, Gav, and I have a lot on our plates now, and it's a lot of pressure." Greer eyed her friend, pursing her lips. "Which is why I don't think you have it in you to be like us."

Rosie was still confused. "Like you?"

"Like Death Eaters."

Rosie, unsure how Greer came to that assumption, went along with it, anyway, starting to think this really was a bad idea. "I mean, I could always surprise you," she stated, though it didn't sound convincing.

Greer snorted. "You tolerate all of the Muggle-borns and blood traitors in Gryffindor House. That's not very surprising to me."

She felt her blood boil at Greer's comment. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means you're too kind towards those that are supposed to be beneath us," Greer retorted. "I've seen the way you get all friendly with Longbottom, of all people."

"I'm just being nice," Rosie protested. Neville was a nice person. There was no point in being mean to him, especially since he was always so nice to her.

"But Death Eaters aren't nice." Greer paused, taking a deep breath. "There's a reputation they have to uphold, and if you can't even throw the occasional glare towards the Mudbloods--" Rosie couldn't help but wince at the word. "See? The way you reacted to me saying that word already says enough about you. Until you're ready to commit to this like the rest of us, I'd take a good look at yourself and figure out who you are and what you want before you get any more ideas in your head."

Rosie dropped her mouth open, mustering up some words to respond with. "But--"

"Look, don't take it so hard, yeah? As your best friend, I want to be honest with you." Greer then huffed a sigh. "I think we should be getting back to our dorms."

"Right," she merely said, keeping her head down, trying to not look so offended and hurt by Greer's words.

"Hey." Greer lifted Rosie's chin up so that she was facing her. "You know I care about you and I'm just trying to look out for you, right?"

Rosie nodded her head, giving her a small smile. "Yeah, I know."

Greer returned the favor with a smile of her own. "Good. I'll see you tomorrow, then." With that, she dropped her hand and spun on her heel, strolling down the corridor without looking back.

Rosie went at her own pace as she let Greer's words sink into her mind. As unexpected as this conversation went, Rosie was glad it happened the way it did, because maybe she needed to hear what Greer had to say to know exactly what kind of person she truly was, even if it was all over a misunderstanding. Her words sparked something inside her, letting a new and better motive take over. She just hoped it was enough to go her way and have a decent outcome. Otherwise, she would have nothing to fall back on, and in these uncertain times, the last thing Rosie wanted was to be alone.

 Otherwise, she would have nothing to fall back on, and in these uncertain times, the last thing Rosie wanted was to be alone

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A/N: Well, sorry for the long wait.

So things are slowly beginning to pick up, as well as we're seeing more of what Greer is actually like, especially with Rosie (thoughts on that?) and it'll get more interesting from here on out.

Anyway, comment, vote, more soon!


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