Chapter 12: Emperor Scorpion's Pledge

Start from the beginning

Three months later, Gusion is back at the Land of Dawn, strangely, his appearance remained the same. The necklace with the Venom symbol on it shined.

He is at the Abyss with Prince Dyrroth at his side, who was wearing what looked like clothes from the Moniyan Empire, and his skin appears to be normal.

"You want me to wear these?" he glared at the blue contact lens on his palm.

"Yes, so he won't recognize your eyes," Gusion said.

Dyrroth groaned. "Fine." He puts on a black cloak. "How do I look?"

"Like an angel in the clothes of the god of death." Gusion sniggered.

Dyrroth snorted.

"Remember to lure him over here," Gusion said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he closed his eyes.

Several days later, a bright flash of light appeared with Harley. Dyrroth, who wore those blue contact lenses and the black cloak eyed him from afar.

Gusion hid behind a boulder.

After that chat Dyrroth had with Harley, he signaled Gusion to come out.

He held a glowing green dagger in his hand. Harley backed away fearfully. Gusion threw the dagger at him and it went through Harley and landed behind him.

He fell unconscious.

Once he woke up, he saw he was seated on a chair, having no recollections of what happened, everything on his mind is about helping Gusion destroy Saber.

A necklace was around his neck with the pendant with the Venom symbol on it. He looked up and saw Gusion in front of him.

"You know what to do."

Meanwhile, Grock, who is at the Lantis mountains was pacing back and forth, waiting for Harley to come back. And he did.

But Gusion was with him.

He threw the dagger at Grock who blacked out. And like Harley, he woke up without any recollections on what happened.

Gusion cast a spell that made them forget about what happened and how they got here. But he soon realized it was a bad mistake since Grock and Harley acted like they held a grudge against Saber for years.

He removed the enchantment on Grock but didn't remove it on Harley, since he already took off the necklace which broke the enchantment.

Gusion told Angela to get him back to them when the time was right, and she came back with him three months later.

It was their time to get the magic cube before Dr. Bob unlocks it himself.


The Venom squad is inside Johnson in vehicle mode, and I mean all of them are inside.

Harley's cold body is in Angela's hands as she sobbed. Hanabi fixed her gaze to the ground. Grock is trying to make himself comfortable since he is too big inside the car, and Gusion started into space.

The Saber squad can't fit in the car, so they just followed Johnson as fast as they can. And of course, Johnson decided to talk.

"...and that's what you get for letting that poor guy take the cube, I mean I know that's Layla's fault but still..."

They didn't say anything, so they decided to keep talking.

"And Gusion, I thought you died, you never came out of the building like what," Johnson snorted.

Gusion grunted back. "Well, it's not like your gonna believe whatever I say right?"

"Name it, this is Johnson your talking to."

Gusion rolled his eyes.

Typical Johnson.

"We failed, Gusion." Hanabi muttered at the front seat. "and I failed my brother."

"You didn't fail anyone or anything," Gusion said.

"Excuse me-"

"We did fail, Harley is dead," Grock murmured.


Angela broke off in sobs. Gusion patted her back.

"It will be fine." he soothed her.

Johnson groaned when he realized he was ignored. Then he recalled what they said, could they really not be as bad as he thought?


The kids are still at the scene of the battle just now, which ended minutes ago. They are still shocked at what their friend did to save their lives.

Harith shed tears quietly on the sidewalk and Lylia hugged her big yellow note and cried.

"Okay, we still have to go," Dyrroth, the only one who isn't bothered by grief waited for them patiently to stop being in grief. And of course, none of them seem to have heard him.

Dyrroth sighed frustratedly. "We have to go, now."

Everyone still gave them the silent treatment.


Everyone jumped at the word fire then they saw the fire spreading everywhere on the sidewalk until Ruby realized-

"Really Dyrroth."

"What else am I supposed to do to bring you all back?" he snapped his fingers and the fire disappeared.

Harith sat back down on the sidewalk. "It's all my fault!"

"It's nobody's fault that he died," said Ruby. "He saved us when we were so careless, which makes me wonder why would he in the first place."

Nana gasped. "That might be a sign that our Harley is back!"

Lylia sniffled. "But it's too late."

"But why, why did he leave the mansion?" Harith asked. "Why did he do that then got himself captured by the Venom Squad?"

Nana was silent. Harith sensed her discomfort.

"Nana, do you know something?"

Nana shuddered when she heard him but didn't say anything. Harith got up and sat beside her.

"Nana... what happened there?"

Unfortunately, Nana didn't need to say anything. Once Harith saw the look in Nana's eyes, he knew what happened back there. Fear flooded his stomach and he got to his feet, stepping back from his friends.

"N-no, what-" he tripped and fell backward and hit his head hard. Before he lost consciousness, he caught a glimpse of his red eyes in his green shades before he fell down.

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