Fancy Fucking Banquette

Start from the beginning

"Jesus what did your mom do to you?" Andy said looking her up and down.

"Other that trying to suffocate me...covering me in the darkest clothes she could find." Ara laughed looking at herself.

"Well at least she let you wear a light necklace." Andy said picking the girls gem off her neck.

"Oh, haha, yeah. She didn't see that." Ara laughed, nervously looking around the room for her mom to make sure she didn't see her.

"I think it's beautiful. Where did 'cha get it?" She said leaning onto the high top table and taking a swig of her alcoholic beverage.

" of my best mates got it for me." Ara blushed, holding her hand to the charm. Remembering the events of yesterday and how he had come to save her like a night in shining armor.

"Best mates, huh?" Andromeda smirked. "Would this, by chance, be a boy best mate?" 

Ara blushed.

"I will take that as a yes." She chuckled. "Name. Looks. Personality. Go!" Andy said gesturing with her glass. 

"James. Hot. Sweetest and most gentleman like person I have ever met." Ara swooned. 

"James...James Potter!?!?!" Andy shrieked.

"SHHHHHH! And yes, James Potter." Ara whispered. 

"He is the cutest little thing I have ever seen, with his fluffy hair and perfect brown eyes." Andy waggled her fingers at Ara. 

"Shove off." Ara's ears turned red and hot. 

"So? Are you dating him?" Andy urged, sloshing her whiskey onto the table, already becoming a little tipsy. 

"No. Playing hard to get." Ara winked. But why wasn't she dating James? I mean he was perfect in every way. He was respectful, kind, and sexy. So why was are playing hard to get? She fancied him so much, so why doesn't she just go for it? 

"Awe is Red in loveeeee," Andy slurred. 

Love. That was it. That was why Ara was putting up this game of hard to get. She was scared to be in love. She was terrified actually. But why? Because, she had never known love. She had only known pain, and abuse, never love. A shiver flew through Ara's body.

"I- I will be right back Andy." Ara quivered before scuttling out of the grand hall to the bathroom. She slammed the door shut and locked it. Her eyes were red and puffy from holding in her tears. She quickly balled up toilet paper to blow her nose and wipe her eyes. She stared in the mirror hating her reflection. The scars scattered over her skin, the dark make up her mom had forcibly applied. The deep gash that was barely visible now, from when Orion slammed her head into his desk. Sirius had the same scar on his head. Two chunks of Orions desk were missing, on each corner. She shuttered at the memory. 

'BANG- BANG- BANG-' Someone knocked harshly on the door. 

"Bloody hell." Ara mumbled sniffling up and fixing her smudged makeup. 

'BANG- BANG-' Ara jumped at the louder knocks.

"Hurry up I've got to piss!" The voice sounded from the other side. 

"Fuck off! Give me a moment!" Ara shot back. She heard a grumble from the other side of the door as she straightened up. She unlocked the door and swung it open.

"Finally fucking ti-" The boy looked down and noticed Ara. "Oh, well hello gorgeous." Mulciber spoke.

His voice thick with lust. Ara grimaced at him. 

"Why don't you join me in here." Mulciber smirked, grabbing Ara by her wrist. 

"No! Let go of me you little-"

"Oh come on beautiful. It will be fun." He slurred pulling the girl back into the bathroom, and locking the door. 

"What are you doing?" Ara growled trying to open the door. 

"Come on sweetheart." He said, forcing his lips into hers, pushing her up against a wall. 

"N- No get of-f of m-me." She said fighting as he forced his tongue into her mouth, she gagged at the feeling. 

"You taste so- so sweet darling." He smiled, pushing his ice cold hands up under her cloak, onto her arms. 

"Stop! Get off!" She grunted trying to push Mulciber back, but he didn't budge.

"Don't fight it. We are getting married anyways." He said in a low tone, somehow vanishing the laces on her corset so it hung loosely on her body.

"I am- Not marrying you!" She screamed trying to bat his arms away. He kept going. Pulling her corset off then snaking his hands up under her short dress, gripping onto her arse. 

"NO! STOP GET OFF!" She cried kicking and punching. He was unfazed continuing to slide his hands up and squeezing her breasts. Ara screamed and cried. She yelled for Sirius and Regulus and Andy. No one could hear. Ara felt rage boil in her throat as Mulciber continued to toy with her body. She growled and with one fell swoop of her hands he was sent flying back into the bathroom mirror, shattering it. Mulciber groaned as he collapsed to the floor. Ara had no time to figure out what just happened she ran out of the bathroom and up to her room. Her body was buzzing with magic. "What the hell just happened?" She breathed to herself, flipping her hands over trying to see where the force of magic came from. She was shaking as she paced her room trying to figure out what in the bloody flying fuck just happened. 

James. She should write to James. No, he can't know what happened, he would try and come get her. Sirius. She had to find Sirius. No, Sirius would murder the boy right then and there. Regulus, go and find Regulus. She said. She ran out of her room, back down the marble staircase, and into the grand hall once more. Her legs still shaking. She spotted her brother standing next to her father, speaking with another pure blood wizard.  

"Shit." She breathed, looking around the room. Trying to find a distraction to get her dad away from Reg. Then she spotted it. The perfect distraction. 

'SMACK- CRACK!' The huge painting of Orion hit the floor, the frame cracking and shattering. The room went silent and chorused a gasp. Orion ran over to his portrait abandoning Reg. This was her chance. She ran to Reggie and dragged him out of the room without another room. She didn't speak until they were away in a vacant room with the door locked, and silenced. 

"Ara what the hell?!" Regulus said looking eye level with his older sister. The age gap did not transfer to the hight gap. 

"I- I need to tell you something." She panted. 

"Okay..." Regulus urged with a duck of his head.

"I- I- Is wandless magic a thing?" Ara finally spoke.

"What?" Regulus stood up straight. "What do you mean wandless magic Ara?" 

"Like, like, being able to force someone back with magic, just without a wand." 

"Y- yes it is a thing. I think." Reggie said scurrying over to a bookcase and retrieving a copy of 'Magical Creatures and their Abilities'

"What does me being a werewolf have to do with-" Ara was cut off when Regulus flipped the book around pointing to the line that read,

'Let it be know that Werewolves are EXTREMELY DANGEROUS and SHOULD NOT be trusted. This is because, apart from their heightened senses, and deeper connection and ability to harness magic, they can perform the art of wandless magic with no practice at all.'

Ara's mouth was agape at the passage. 

"Holy Fuck-"

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