The Legend Reborn

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(???? pov)

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I ran as I'm chased by ninjas the village the people died because of me I ran and ran and ran but this time one jumped infront of me and kicked me to the ground............and killed me

(Like in the picture)

You see I was born without a village or parents to help and rise me my family all died protecting a baby girl but ended up all died but the baby girl lived because she was and is special how I know this well that's because....I was there I was the baby I saw everyone die protecting me

Oh sorry your wondering who I am right well...let me tell you about the legend then me

In the future there will be a special little girl

A girl that has seen many things

A girl that can not be killed

Or die

For she is.......important......................she's immortal

She will have a name but not a clan or village

For it's hidden in her

She will see many villagers and villages

Help lots of people and protect us

Become friends with many of them even the hard ones...even the dangerous ones

And change them

She will make people believe she will make people hope

She will make people see

As best as she can

She will suffer from the pain she has learned over the years and remember it all

Her pain is great and bigger then....................................everyone's worst fear, everyone's worst nightmare,everyone's worst past, or president, or even a......spirits death..even a demon

She believes that she has nothing to live for but her powers and her will save us and we be the thing that....................
......saves her......

Her name is

(Your pov)

I opened my eyes and see the sky and same tree's then people I was a baby girl again

When ever I die I'm always reborn as a baby girl I looked at the people and started to cry trying to reaching my arms out for them

The one with yellow hair picked me up

The one with yellow hair picked me up

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