CHAPTER 2: Minus points for the selfie lord!

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I was mumbling to myself, thinking of ways on how to assassinate that annoying nerd. When Allanah bumped my shoulders, waking me up from my trance.

"Hey Vic, you're kinda creeping me out. I'm seeing smoke coming out from your ears."

"Ah yeah, don't forget to visit me in jail. After I kill that douche breed of a nerd." Allanah gave me a confused look, she's having a hard time taking in the joke. Then she nodded. Late reaction much!

"Okaaay. Are you talking about that cute guy from earlier?"

"Did you just say cute?" I almost choked.

"Ah yeah. I mean, who wouldn't? That curly hair, fair face and amazing height. "

I am now puking imaginary shit out of my mouth.

"A guy that does a double-middle finger to a girl, is no near cute Al!" Allanah just laughed.

We're almost near the computer laboratory, when I stopped in my track suddenly remembering the class we're having.

"Shit! Don't tell me today is multimedia class!?"

"Duh! It's Wednesday, of course its multimedia day."

"Fucking shit!"

Allanah chuckled. "You forgot to do the plate*, haven't you?"

*Plates are this school's term for homework. And it's not used to pud food in it.

I nodded. "Bulls-eye."

"You can just do it in the classroom, Mr. Oncada hasn't arrive yet." Bea suddenly appeared from behind.

"Please help me. I'm begging you!" I said pouting, while Bea giggled and nodded. She's good in codes, which I suck at.

We went inside the laboratory, looking for a vacant seat.

"Viiiic!" I saw Daisy waving her hands and pointing at a seat next to her and Jel.

Well, there were still plenty of vacant seats but that spot was our favorite, because it's away from the air conditioner. They know I have a growing hatred for air cons, the cold makes me fart, and it also makes my nipples hard.

I threw my bag on the floor and slumped on the chair facing the iMac (the 2014 models), grumbling while pressing the power button at the back of it. I hate codes, I hate multimedia.

"I want to see your website!" Daisy said giddily.

"Ah, I'm still going to make one." I said with a dying face.

"Don't worry! Today we'll only be passing the layout, no need for codes just yet." Jel said not even looking at us, she was putting on face powder.

I smiled like goofy. "Really?!"

"Yeah, so do it fast. You have ten minutes, before Mr. Oncada arrives." Allanah said, putting her big black bag on the chair beside me. Everyone really wonders what she has on that bag, and why she never leaves it. It's probably like Hermione's bag, where there's a whole different universe hiding inside.

I opened up Adobe Illustrator and made a random layout, good thing I always put stock images on my flashdrive.

And done! It took me a good 30 minutes to finish it.

Well our teacher already arrived a few minutes ago, when I was still working on the website. My excuse was, I'm still putting up finishing touches, which I'm not.

After we passed our layouts, Mr. Oncada is now teaching us about CSS and whatsoever S-S-S, there is. All I know is that it's about coding, and it gives me a fucking headache. So I opened up the selfie app on iMac, to kill boredom. Yes, I'm a bad student.

I was making goofy faces when I took the picture and as soon as I saw the photo, my eyes jumped out of my skull. Mr. Oncada was standing right behind me with a goofy grin and a piece sign. Oh shit!

"Minus points for the selfie lord." Mr. Oncada said laughing and so did my classmates.

After class we're now hanging out in the canteen, eating lunch. When I saw the annoying nerd, in one of the stalls. My eyes automatically rolled out on its socket, accompanied with a loud ugh.

"You okay?" Jel said her brows perking up.

"I lost my appetite. I just saw a walking shit." Allanah, Jel and Daisy laughed. The four of us are sitting on the same table, while the others had gone down and ate outside of school.

"Oh, it's the cute guy!" Allanah said in a high-pitched tone. Looking at the direction where my eyes are.

"Will you stop referring to him as cute. Shits don't have faces." I said, slouching on my chair, avoiding the topic and taking out my phone.

I'm randomly texting a friend when Allanah nudged me on the side.

"What?" I looked at her, waiting for an answer but she just pointed her lips to my other side. I looked and saw the nerd.

My brows furrowed and it probably turned into a mini bridge. "What are you doing here?" I asked him in an annoyed tone.

He smirked and placed a sandwich in front of me. "An apology gift." He said and walked away.

"Okaaaaay..." I'm now staring at the sandwich, doing an imaginary x-ray. "This smells danger, it's poisoned."

"OHMAYGAAAD! VICTORIA! That was just too cute!" Daisy squeaked, she's sitting in front of me.

"The part where he gives me a poisoned sandwich? It should have been an apple." I replied, while poking the sandwich.

"Don't be a bitch and eat it!" Allanah said jokingly.

"Make sure to put me in a glass coffin if I die, and I want you guys to dress like dwarves if that happens."

I really hate this yolo side of me. Now we'll know if curiosity does kill a cat. Ohgawd! I just remembered shaving my cat down there, and now I'm dying out of severe itchiness.

(A.N: Think of another synonym for cat, then you'll get the joke.)

I took a bite of this mysterious sandwich, and I tasted Nutella. Oh he probably bought this on that new stall, I looked from behind where the stall is and read the name, Mom's Panini's. Didn't expect for him to buy something fancy. Loaded poop.

"So?" The three of them looks at me like I just got a pregnancy test.

"It's a girl." I said in a straight face.

"Ugh." They said and rolled their eyes in perfect unison, making me laugh.

"Vic! Be serious for once!" Allanah said slapping my shoulders.

"Okay okay! Calm your tits womans..." I replied while wiping the tears in my eyes.

"You just have to say 'womans' huh?" Allanah asked as her brow sailed to the moon and back. She's a grammar nazi. Her reactions are quite priceless, when it comes to typos.

I laughed again, and they are now staring at me, throwing imaginary daggers at my face.

"It's fine, it's kinda yummy." I said in between laughs, they're seriously making a big deal out of this panini.

"Wanna take a bite?" I asked the three, and Daisy gladly took the offer.

After she bit half of it. I crunched down holding my stomach and acted like it felt painful.

"Ahh! My stomach it hurts! It really is poisoned!" I said, crouching in my seat, my face hidden from their view. I sneaked a peek and saw Mr. Oncada standing next to where Jel is sitting.

"Plus points for the drama queen." He said laughing and walked away.

The Nerd that turned out to be Vampire-ish [Wattys2015]Where stories live. Discover now