You Need A Vacation

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Peter ducked his head quickly, avoiding the crumpled up paper thrown at his head. He put down his own work and turned around.

"Not getting anywhere?" Shuri, who had been the one to throw it, showed him the middle finger.

Since Shuri's arrival two months ago, they had become fast friends, and when she isn't busy with M.I.T, they often work in the labs together. Right now, she was working on trying to create a man-made version of vibranium.

Sitting by the desk next to Shuri's was Sam Wilson, the Falcon, reading from a StarkPad.

Once Sam had recovered from his injuries, and the infection he had gotten, and he had given up all the information he had, he was sentenced to a year of house arrest at Stark Tower. They were a bit cautious around him at first, but he really did try his best to make amends for his mistakes. He even allowed Rhodey to punch him, resulting in a broken nose. He haven't said anything, but Peter knew he thought he had gotten away too easily, and almost all of the money he was earning working for SI with a project he was consulting on, were going to charities in the places where he was involved in the destruction of property and loss of lives.

The other two people in the previously empty lab was Dr. Monica Andrews and one of her interns, Bryan Jones. Monica was the only other person outside of Tony Stark that could build a miniature arc reactor from scratch. There was a reason she had been placed as the director of the green energy department. The reason why they were with them had apparently been to escape paperwork.

"Why are you trying to create a man-made vibranium? I thought you said that it was fun working with other materials." Sam asked Shuri.

"Despite my exile, I want what is best for the Wakandan people. I remember sneaking into my father's office when I was young and read a report. My people have always been frivolous when it comes to the use of vibranium. Sadly it's beginning to run out." Peter nodded his head in understanding, if Wakandan was truly running out of vibranium, then they will loose much of their political power.

"Good luck." Sam then turned to Peter. "The blueprints look good, but they're are a few things I would change. I would lower the power output for the sport version, or it might break the weaker wings. When it comes to the rescue wings, did you base it on my weight?"

"Yeah...oh." What they were talking about were the Falcon wings. Mr. Stark had had the brilliant idea that they could use the wings for rescue operations in the aftermath of natural disasters and similar situations. Rhodey then pointed out that they could also prove to be successful with daredevils and hang gliders. As SI owned the patent, they began modify it, and as Sam was the only pilot, he was the one that had the expertise to look at the blueprints.

"Exactly, you need to not only have some leeway with the weight of the pilot, but also  have the ability of lifting a large, soaking wet man. I would try to strengthen the wings, they don't need to be as manoeuvrable as mine, and perhaps find a way to fit a harness so the pilot doesn't have to hold the rescue victim up." Peter took notes of everything he said.

"Good, I'll hand these off to Mr. Stark when I can." Monica took that moment to look at Peter.

"I worry about Dr. Stark. Hasn't he seemed very stressed lately?" Shuri, Sam and Bryan looked a bit thoughtful before nodding slowly. Peter didn't have to as he had seen just how much work both he and Miss. Potts were doing.

"Don't worry about it, me, Rhodey, and FRIDAY have a plan."


"Mr. Stark, Miss. Potts, Can I talk to you for a moment?" Peter was sitting on the couch in the penthouse of the tower. He looked up from his StarkPad, seems that Shuri might have come up with a solution to her problem by mixing badassium and traces of adamantium with other metals.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30, 2023 ⏰

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