"Thanks Naruto."

"Hey Naruto what happened last night?"asked Sakura out of curiosity

"Well... last night... I ... we..."Naruto didn't know what to say. He couldn't tell them the thruth but he didn't know what to lie.

"Oh last night  Naruto invited Iruka to eat some ramen and me and Kakashi joined in."said Hiruzen after noticing that Naruto was in trouble.

"Y-yeah. That's it."said Naruto alittle nervous.

"Ok now back to the main topic. The why you guys are here now."Hiruzen changed topics to avoid more questions from last night"Your first mission."

"Hell yeah! What's our mission ? Beat the crap out of a Mob? Save a princess?Come on old man I can't wait for it T'bayo!"Naruto shouted all happy and excited

"Well Naruto-kun. Since you are all excited about your first mission I will give you the hardest mission I'm legally aloud to give as a first mission."said Hiruzen with an mallisious smile.

"Please Hokage-sama not that mission"asked Kakashi

"Oh kami i feel so sorry for you guys."said Iruka

"It's our first mission. How hard can it be?"said Sakura not knowing why her senseis were feeling they way they were.

"Your mission will be to hunt down"Hiruzen started to explain their mission

"Yes."Naruto was with his will of fire burning like the sun.

"A very dangerous creature."

"Yes."Naruto eyes were opening wide in emotion. While Kakashi's and Iruka were doing the same but in terror.

"Some would call it a demon."

"Yes."Naruto was getting all hyped up for it.

"A demon that even I the Hokage fear."

"Yes."Naruto was getting  even more excited

"A demon that is responsible to put an  end to the life of  many  as  a shinobi."

"Yes!"Naruto was so excited that he was now shouting.

"The D rank demon. The one who shall not be named"Hiruzen did an dramatic pause"Tora."As Hiruzen said that an lighting struck the ground near the tower."Hm where did that come from there isn't a single cloud in the sky?"Hiruzen said looking at his window.

"Hell yeah!"Narutom shouted excited

"Hokage-sama don't you think that. This is going to far for  a first mission?"asked Iruka with worries in the eyes

"Yes Hokage-sama this is like an SSS-rank disguised as a D-rank."said Kakashi

"Yeah let's do it!"shouted Naruto"So old man where do we find this demon?"

"In the streets."said Hiruzen calmly

"What?"Naruto was confused

"Yes , Tora is a cat , the fire lord wife's cat."said Kakashi still trembeling in fear

"Why so much drama over it?"asked Sasuke"Come on I have dealed with cats my entire life it will be a piece of cake."

"So good luck Kakashi.You will need it."said Iruka and Hiruzen

"Hai Hokage-sama."said Kakashi in a depress way as he and his team left the officie

"So Kakashi-sensei what do we do now?"asked the pink haired girl in the group

"First we pray."said Kakashi in a serious tone which made the genin thought that he was joking "Then separete our selfs and run around the village looking for him."

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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