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It had passed one hour ever since Naruto was left alone by his parents in the Dojo,and it was now mid night.

{Sorry about that kit but you knew that that wasn't going to be for ever.}

"I-I-I know Kurama"cried Naruto.

{You still can take a look at your album of photos that you have. And also remeber to reveal the one's they took today.}

"Ha-hai."said Naruto before getting up to walk home.

Naruto's house...

"Tadai-oh."Naruto entred his home thinking he was warning his parents that they arrived but he then remebered.

{Come on kit lets sleep tomomrrow will be a busy day.}said Kurama and Naruto went to his bed. He couldn't sleep very well that night he took a lot of time to sleep and woke up a lot of times during the night. Feeling alone.


Naruto woke up and saw the time he wasn't worried because he knew that Kakashi would be late.He went to the kitchen and did two shadow clones."Hey mo-oh."

"So boss what do you want?"asked one of the clones.

"Do an ommelte."said Naruto in a sad tone.

Traning ground seven 10:30...

Sakura , Sasuke and even Kakashi were waiting for Naruto. Who could be seeing in the horizon running towards them.

"You late!"shouted Sasuke and Sakura.

"Sorry about that."

"So Naruto are you alright?"Kakashi asked as he knew what he student had experienced last night.

"Yes Kakashi sensei. It will only take sometime until I get used to being alone again"said Naruto in a sad tone(you still have Iruka , Teuchi , Ayame, Shino , Hinata-chan , old man Hiruzen and now Kakashi. )Naruto remebered one of his parents last words."No I'm not alone at all. I have you guys!"shouted Naruto in a happy tone.Sakura and Sasuke were confused.

"Good thing to hear Naruto. You see I know what you passed through last night but that still isn't an excuse to arrive late."said Kakashi getting an ugly look from Sasuke and Sakura because he arrived only half a hour ago.

"Sorry Kakashi sensei. I was revealing the photos from last night. Here I have some of them for you. "said Naruto giving a envelope to Kakashi. He opend the envolepe to see the photos.

"Thanks Naruto."said Kakashi after he saw the photos of he with Naruto's parent's."Alright." Kakashi put the photos away."My beautiful Genin. Lets go to the Hokages officie to recive our first mission."said Kakashi starting to walk away.

At the Hokage's officie...

"Hokage-sama."Kakashi said as he entered the room along side his genin team.There were Hiruzen and Iruka. The Hokage was fighting his worst enemy , the paper work.

"Hello Kakashi."Hiruzen took a break from his paperwork"So Naruto are you alright? Last night must had been hard for you."Making both Sasuke and Sakura curious about last night.

"Yes it was. But I can't let that let me down. T'bayo!"shouted Naruto"Oh also..."Naruto then took an envelope out."Here some photos from last night."said Naruto while giving it to Hiruzen.

"Thanks Naruto I will take a look at them later."said Hiruzen taking the envelope from Naruto.

"Oh and for you too Iruka sensei."Naruto then took out another envelope and gave it to Iruka.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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