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It is July 2018. Kanye has released his new album. Every middle schooler has come down with a fictitious disease. is months away from rebranding as TikTok. The Papa is no longer CEO of Papa Djon's, but is still on the Board of Directors. He is now in Diversity Training. "Due to recent events, we have been compelled to conduct Diversity Training for all people in the company", the COO says. The Papa has had enough, his reputation and his life has been ruined by 'Recent Events'. That, however, does not justify his actions. "I'm tired of this cancel culture! I do this, I do that, what's the problem‽ When I was a boy in Southern Indiana, we said [slur] all the time!" Later that day, Papa Djon was shooting an advertisement. "Decent Ingredients, Decent Pizza. Papa Djon's." His secretary bursts into the room. "Papa! The Board needs you!" He runs out of the room, making the green screen fall over. He knows he messed up earlier today, and like a kid who drew ate all the breadsticks, is scared of the consequences. Sweaty, he bursts into the Board Room.

"Papa, have a seat, will you?" said a lowly member of the board, Lob Rynch. His teeth are shining, even when facing away from the afternoon sun. He is a being of pure light emerging from his mouth. The rest of his facial structures do not matter. "We think you are damaging the reputation of this company. Already, there are protesters outside of this building, demanding your resignation. You have two choices, Papa, either you resign, or you, 'Resign'." Papa Djon sat there, staring into the light of his mouth.

"And who are you, Lob Rynch, to say that to me? Why can't the COO do it?" Lob leant forward, making a fist and resting his chin on it. "I am the Lobster." Lob grins and pushes forward a sheet of paper. 'Resignation', it reads at the top. Papa sighs. "I, Djon H. Notter, resign immediately from the Board of Directors of Papa Djon's Inc and from the company entirely." Papa Djon signs the dotted line. "Papa's no longer in the house," Djon says. He drags himself out of Papa Djon's Headquarters. As he exits the building, he turns around, fighting back tears. He sees workers removing the Papa Djon's logo, and he watches the new one come up. As the crane raises the new one, he sees that it is almost identical, but with no apostrophe. Papa Djons has abandoned Papa Djon. 

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