The Jeep Gladiator of Doom

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       "BURGERS!!!" "NO! I DON'T WANT PICKLES!!" "I WANT A MILKSHAKE! IMMEDIATELY!" "guys, be quiet!" the fighters heard. Chun Li groaned. "Well, I bet I know who it is. those Shadaloo brats. again." "You mean the legendary King of Tai Chi, Sagat?!" yelled an excited Mel. "Oh. She meant the OTHER ones, kiddo," said Cammy with an angry but amused look on her face. "Ooooh! are you little girlies going to get your revenge?", Ken said, half sarcastically. Both the girls lunged forward and ken curled up into a little ball, knowing that the girls meant business. "That's what I thought, "Masters". Now let's go, Chun Li. Or we'll be late for their butt-kicking.", Cammy said. "Alright! Let's do it!", the boys all shouted. "Actually, you guys should stay here. We wouldn't want them to damage your precious little butts.", said Chun Li."Mel, Eliza, Would you like to come along? "YES!! Mommy, Please say yes.", Mel pleaded. "I see no problem with that. You're obviously a better fighter than your dad and so am I." HEY!", Ken whined. "What? We promised to never lie to each other", said Eliza. The four Made their way out the door of the playplace and out into the parking lot as they waited silently for the Shadaloo to drive out into the parking lot where the Shadaloo always ate their food. Then, They saw a Jeep Gladiator pull into the parking lot, and Balrog and Zangief hop out of the bed of the truck. M. Bison and Sagat got out of the front seat, and Juli and Juni out of the back. "Cammy chuckled, seeing their mode of transportation, and all three of the girls started laughing with a confused Mel staring and wondering what was so funny. This gave away their hiding spot. "Chun Li. Cammy. I've been expecting you", Both M. Bison and Sagat said at the same time. "I was supposed to say that!", Shouted Bison. "No! you told me to!", yelled an equally hyped-up Sagat. "No you weren't expecting them.", said Eliza. "Yes, I was. I can see the future", said M. Bison. "Since when can you see the future?", asked Juli. "Yeah!", yelled Juni. "Stop making up lies!" "Actually Buttson over here just saw you through the window and knew you guys were all here!.", Said Balrog, snickering. "Bison! It's BISON! NOT buttson!", Whined M. Bison like a 3-year-old not getting snacks "Not all of YOU are here though.", said Mel. "I think you forgot Vega." "Sagat! you were supposed to wake him up from his nap!", yelled Bison. "Oh, Crap! I forgot!", Sagat said quietly. "Good.", said Chun Li happily. "Now we can fight without a child in our way." "Who's the kid?" Asked Zangief."He looks stronger than Ken!" "Hey!" "WHO WAS THAT?!", yelled Chun Li. All 3 of the boys ducked behind the wall, hoping chun Li didn't see them, but she was too fast for them and kicked their butts out from behind the building. "Well, would you look at that.", said Cammy, Juli, and Juni at the same time. They all looked at each other remembering when they all used to work for the king of psycho power. This brought Cammy into a painful flashback. She remembered when she, too had been made as a clone of M. Bison, brainwashed, and programmed to destroy some of her best friends today. She had tried to bring Juli and Juni back to their senses but ended up almost being killed by her former co-fighters. Suddenly a voice interrupted Cammy's thoughts and broke the silence. "I think you forgot someone." It was Vega! Chun Li flopped on the ground and groaned. "Why did he have to come...", she said. "Hey. Did you miss me, princess?", Vega asked. Just like that, he had his mask cracked in half and chun li kicking wildly at him. "NO, I DIDN'T YOU STUPID JERK!!", she screamed. "Yeah, dude. Bug off. that was years ago", Cammy said. "Yeah. Chun Li belongs to ME now.", said Ryu. "HA! I always knew it! I told you and I told you and you wouldn't listen.", Ken teased. Ryu remembered the days when Ken said after sparring that Chun Li would end up with Ryu, but he never did listen, and instead picked on him for being weaker than Eliza. "Huh?", Juli and Juni said. "I don't remember that...". "Balrog and Zangief were not able to talk they were giggling so much. like little kids at a sleepover. But, the fighters could make out the two fighters giggling, "Ryu and Chun Li sitting in a tree. K-i-s-s-i-n-", "ENOUGH!", Chun Li screamed. "I belong to nobody!". "Ha! She would never go out with a loser like you", Vega said. "She needs somebody handsome, like me", Vega said. BAM!! Hearing this, Chun Li kicked Vega in the mouth and knocked out a few teeth. "Why you-", "YOU WHAT?!", the fighters suddenly heard. "Oh, great", Ryu said. "It's the admiring little fangirl again." "Actually, I came for the girls. NOT you. Don't forget I beat YOU in the spar yesterday. I just wasn't old enough to sign up for the tournament, butthead.", Sakura said. "Hey, and it looks like Buttson came too!"


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