・❥・ROUND 2

327 12 210

Since the majority voted for Character Aesthetics, so Character Aesthetics it is! Let me tell you, Round 2 will be more challenging than Round 1!

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Since the majority voted for Character Aesthetics, so Character Aesthetics it is! Let me tell you, Round 2 will be more challenging than Round 1!

Prompt :

Design a character aesthetic for any one of the three given characters from my book


1 : 1

(anything similar will do too)

Face Claim:

Any, there's no restriction on this. You may, or may not use a face claim. It's safe to not use one as it might be difficult to find one that matches, however, you may get extra points if you choose a face claim that actually matches my character ;)


Depends on the character you choose. Just make sure that the whole Aesthetic follows a single colour theme. It can be light-themed or dark-themed, upto you really.


You must mention the name of the character on the Aesthetic

You must also attach all the resources along with your submission as it was done for Round 1


"If She Knew by @nabs_xoxo"


"Designed by @your username"

I would recommend doing this outside the main graphic or doing it in a corner since this is an aesthetic.

Submission Deadline :

28th May

Do let me know if anyone needs an extension though!

Do let me know if anyone needs an extension though!

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Watt-a-Mini Graphics ContestWhere stories live. Discover now