Chapter 1

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Winter and Karina.

Two girls in love.

Young and carefree.

Hand in hand, they would walk on the beach, Winter loved looking at Karina, who would smile at the sunset, she looked so happy, if Karina was happy, Winter was happy too.

"Winter?" Karina called out when the two girls were laying on the soft fresh green grass, hands intertwined,
"Yes?" Winter responded slowly tilting her head facing the other.

"I'm sixteen this year" she said, Winter hummed in response, "Do you know that I will be eighteen in two years?" she asked as she turned around to face Winter.

"I do" Winter responded, their eyes locked.

Karina moved closer and pushed a hair away from Winter's face and Winter took this opportunity to hold her other hand and she began to caress it.

"Do you know that I will also be having my eighteen roses ceremony?" she asked, Winter gulped, "Yes I do" she answered, Karina leaned closer, she smiled and said,

"I want you to give me the eighteenth rose"

 My eighteenth rose Where stories live. Discover now