Ch.2: Fangs

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(( Revized 10/25/22

Cream white yet simple patterned duvets sat snuggly around your aching body. It wasn't easy getting up at dawn after such a demanding day of work. Dew drops clung to a lanky, foggy, cracked window above your billet. Long sea-greenish curtains drapped of the sides, nearly brushing the hard wood floors. The twin sized bed may be small but it came with plenty of plush comforters and pillows.

Besides it gave you more room to roam around the already claustrophobic area. You had been sent to one of the corner ends of the castle on arrival, and occupied the smallest of rooms provided to servants. Perhaps it was a symbol of your place amongst the rest who resided here.

Earliers Evening disaster left embarrassment dancing on your chest. The distance felt more comforting than degrading.

The thought of negative attention left you wallering in anxiety.

Not today, you just couldn't do it today. Your strained legs, arms, and back screamed in protest from every attempt to rise. Miserable, that was the best word to describe everything. The puzzling endless halls, overbearing chores and duties, the unmerciful daughters it was slowly driving you up the walls.

Although, there was a part of you that admired a certain charm of the castle. Warmth gathered on you flushing cheeks. Lady dimitrescu was a fiend. Devilish and so perfect! She was like a cinder of fire leaving a burn right in the middle of your chest. It caused flames to reach right up into your now steamy thoughts.

Oh but how she would slice your neck if she even knew.

Rubbing out the last wink of sleep from your eyes, you pushed yourself away from the protective covers. You couldn't mope nor gush over Lady Dimitrescu any longer. A dreadfully list of task awaited you. Slidding off the mattress, a soft knock was sounded from outside the door. Who in the name of mother Miranda could it be at this hour?

Mother Miranda and all he graces was not hard to pick up as everyone scrambled at the idea of her alone.

Pish posh.

It was unfortunate for you to awnser the door.
You had only been sleeping in a light lilac gown. The sleep wear hung loosly at your thighs. Slipping on your robe you quickly awnsered.

Those familiar captivating eyes, paired with rich lipstick, and tantalizing curls awaited you.

"Mistress.", you dipped your head politely as you held back a giddy smile. Honestly, she almost had your head a mere eight hours ago. Least she can do is spare your heart. Let it be known, your under dressed attire didn't go unnoticed. This much was certain as she smirked taking all of your short meek frame in.

"I need you by me today. Unfortunately, my chamber maid is recovering from a terrible inconvenience.", She spoke firmly leaving no space for arguing or defiance.

You couldn't help but think the worst as she scoffed. You where to busy pondering what exactly might have transpired between the two, to notice her staring impatiently. She was a woman with high standards and expectations after all.

Of all hire help? She choose you, odd.

"Ah- Yes of course My lady. Please excuse my appearance I'll get dressed right away.", you would scratch at your wrist looking up only to freeze in alarm. Her face was inches away from yours, nose scrunched as she grabbed your jaw. Oh god... If there is a god, why was he putting you in these situations!

Lady Dimitrescu frowned, seemingly unimpressed about something on your face. Was it dried drooo? She brushed a soft thumb over your trembling chin,"I don't like seeing you so weak. Perhaps I've been to hard on you..."

Oh, it was the eyebags.

Your shoulders had tensed up and Butterflies, that felt more like rabid bats, fluttered intensely in the lower pit of your stomach. You pulled away quickly, turning to hide the dark tinted blush that swarmed your face and ears. "N-No. I'm grateful for the amount of work I'm given. Do not trouble yourself over it mistress." It was an obvious lie. She only chuckled at your bashful behavior. Did she know how such things made you feel? That devilish flirt must have known.

"You're far to easy to mess with, y/n.", lady Dimitrescu laughed once again. she turned and left you to dress but not before giving a knowing look.

Dissapearing suddenly felt thrilling.


Barely a word was shared for about an hour. All you could do was wait by the door, stiff.

Following just behind like a loyal pup was easy, compared to your normal energy draining duties. All that had been asked of you was small things. She would ask you to fetch this or that, hand her a pipe to smoke or, organize her desk; after its contents had been angrily tossed around. Mother Miranda, who ever she truly was seemed to tick off Lady Dimitrescu. At least, that's how it appeared.

As you bent and folded to her demands and needs she complained only of being hungry. That's something you offered to tend to. However, she only ended up teasing you over it.

" Oh? If your so eager to help come sit here... I've yet to taste you, pet~" she had patted her lap making a mocking "tsk tsk tsk" Noise as if you where a dog! It made you flare up in embarrassment. It wasn't what you had been offering what so ever! Those sharp fangs pressing against your sensitive neck, suckling slowly. Would she drain you of your vital fluids in the excuse of depraved hunger?

Fantasiaing of her vampiric canines was not abnormal by now.

Ah! No, you wouldn't even dare think it. It was terrifying. To be used so...roughly. It made you feel hot all over. "My Lady, I only ment I'd run to the kitchen or wine cellar if you wished.", you made a false gaso backing up, as to seem shocked. She grinned wider flashing those pearly white fangs. Maybe you where more of a pet then you realized. She curled a finger back toward herself, beckoning you closer.

How convincing.

You stepped hesitantly closer. It was like an invisible string hooked into you, tugging you right up next to the blood thirsty goddess. You placed your shaky hands gentle down on what you assumed to be her knees, poking up under the flowing dress. Craining your neck slightly, you gave a big doe eyed expression."Yes?", it came out more like a whine .

Would she drink from you?

Deep down you desired to know what it felt like to be bitten, but what if it was painful?

Lady Dimitrescu spoke softly, twirling a lock of your gorgeous hair in between her gloved fingers. " Darling, give me a nibble. Just a small bit, that much will do~" Your pressed your lips tight together as you unintentionally pushed closer.

Your eyes fluttered close as you leaned into her hand. A taste couldn't hurt-

"Mother!-", The blonde and oldest daughter appeared. Her swarm of blowfly like insects soon became fleeting. At first she looked shocked, trying to wrap her head around the situation. A soft irritated groan rumbled from the drying blonde around her lips,"Mother! I wanted to feast on her first!" You slowly stepped away from Alcina.

"Besides, you always play with the perfect ones. You'll just keep her to yourself like the last one won't you? Until she's nothing but skin and bones.", She nagged calmly frowning at her mother.

Why did that make your chest pull?

Like the last one? So you weren't special? Was this all some stupid game to leave you off gaurd and willing? Did your feelings for her not matter! You should have known...thats what you told yourself now.

It was merely lust.

Turning sharply you excuse yourself. To cry or pout alone was the motive, maybe even relieve the tension in your core that clustered between your thighs.

Smothering yousemf into the sheets you'd sigh.

"Fuck, I'm so tired... "

Word Count; 1345

🥀 I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for reading cuties. 🥀

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