Coming out

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Sleep is for the weak
12:35 pm

Chrissy: hey guys I gotta say something

Chrissy: so a few years ago I came out to Aurora as bigender and I kinda shoved myself back in the closet but recently I've been thinking and i think I'm gender fluid?? Or Demi-girl idk but I'm kinda fine with,,all pronouns tbh


Mark: are you still fine with being called Chrissy??? Do you want us to call you something else

Chrissy: I'm fine with Chrissy or Chris tbh as long as it's not my deadname

Mark: !!!okay! I'm proud of you


Violet: dude I'm happy for you!! Also Lydia read this over my shoulder and wants me to tell you she supports you and loves you

Chrissy: ily too and vio tell Lydia I say thanks

Piper: I love my partner so much

Aurora: I'm so proud of you my best friend

Chrissy: I have three different pins, one is blue and says he/him, one is pink and says she/her and the other is green and says they/them and I'm gonna wear them around so you guys know what pronouns I prefer that day but you can still ask!!

Okami: I'm happy for you now that you've found a label that makes you feel comfortable, we love you

Chrissy: hell yeah I'm gender fluid and I'm bi I love my gf

Mark: It's a good day to be bi

Charlotte: my and boyfriend are still hella bi even if we're dating each other

Mark: I love my bi gf and that doesn't make me any less bi

Chrissy: hell yeah!!!

Mark: and I love my gender fluid best friend they are wonderful

Mark: wait what pronouns should I use today

Chrissy: today is a she/her day but dw!!! You can always ask me, ily

Mark: okay!!! Ily Chrissy I wanna give you a hug

Aurora: mood can we please meet up and hug

Okami: am I allowed to ask a question Chrissy?

Chrissy: ofc!!! I encourage questions!

Okami: you mentioned you came out to Aurora then shoved yourself back in the closet, are you comfy with me asking about that???

Chrissy: yeah sure!! What about it? Why I came out to her? When?

Okami: well when and why you shoved yourself back in the closet if you're comfortable with sharing

Chrissy: yeah dw so I came out to her in July of 2015 I don't remember exactly when?

Chrissy: and then in November I kinda just never mentioned it again and stopped thinking about it?? Then a few months ago it just came back and now I'm here coming out again

Chrissy: as for why I shoved myself back in the closet I'm not really sure? I think part of may be that at the time our whole friend group identified as cishet and ik that at the time being gender fluid/non-binary and agender was something that I feel I didn't know much about and I feel like no one else did either

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