Cloudy With A Chance Of Feelings

Start from the beginning

"Well, yeah I always choose to, because you're my friend and I care about you, you know that, Sherlock. I've already forgiven you for the past and I want us to relish in the present and the future, okay? We have both evolved over the last decade."

"I do, but it is still a burden to carry...caring the way that you do. I know that I have always said that it is a weakness, but it is also a strength in a way. I know that caring gets you hurt a lot of the time, especially regarding me, and for that, I will always be regretful. However, you use it as a strength because everyone who knows you knows that you are a reliable a trustworthy friend. You would take a sacred secret to your grave if need be. You're a rock. Especially to me. I know I've been insolent and irritating and impossible. I'm not in the greatest of headspaces right now...but I assure you that I don't mean to take it out on you, even if I do."

Molly smiles softly and rolls her eyes, a blush blossoming on her cheeks. "I've learned by now not to take it personally. Don't worry about it. As long as you aren't destroying my house when I'm at work, it's all good. Plus, you start physical therapy soon to strengthen that leg again, so I'm sure you'll be in worse moods than this shortly."

He sighs deeply and leans his head back against the sofa, frowning.

"What's on your mind now?"

He speaks softly, almost like he's afraid that his words will come true if he speaks them too loudly. "What if physical therapy is a bust and my leg never recovers to full strength?"

Molly brings over a cup of his favorite tea, as well as hers, and sets his on a side table where he can reach. She sits next to him and looks at him honestly. "That's not going to happen, Sherlock. Look, I'm sure there will be days, mostly at first, where it seems impossible, and the pain feels unbearable. It's not going to be easy or comfortable. That I can tell you truthfully. But I fully believe you'll make a full recovery if you put in the effort and never give up. If you push through the pain. You've been through so much already in your life, that I believe in you. I know you can achieve this if your mind and heart are set on it."

Sherlock looks over her face softly and nods slowly. "Right...just...sometimes it feels relentless, even though I know these things are my own doing."

"It does feel that way. Like you're always being put into these impossible situations that can only end in pain or hurt. But you've gotten through every single one of them and you can get through this too. Just one obstacle at a time, and this time it happened to be your leg. I know it feels like life has been pummeling you for a long time. I wish some things never had to have happened, but like I said, you've gotten through them. You have the most incredible willpower of anyone I have ever met, and that's part of who you are and what I've always admired about you. You persevere. You will again."

He swallows and slowly takes her hand, squeezing it as if she gives him an energetic charge. "I don't know how you can sit here and still choose to be in my life after all the ordeals you've seen me hurl myself into. But I'm glad you are...I truly don't know what I'd do or where I would be if I lost you. Not only as a detective but as a person. I may even go as far as to say you've humanized me. Which is no easy feat, Molly Hooper."

Molly grins and sips her tea as he does, locking eyes with him for a moment before they mutually set their tea down. Sherlock pretends to turn his attention to the telly, even though she knows he hates every program that comes on. Pulling her legs up to sit cross-legged, she watches as well, relishing in the calm that has been well deserved for quite some time now. As much as she loves the man, he can be really draining, and sometimes she just needs quiet or alone time. Which he of all people understands and respects when he's in better moods. They sit in comfortable silence, enjoying the peace and contentment of each other's company.

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