Lanterns & Germanics Vs Kryptonan Celtic People

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Irish Superman and Lois Lane fought and then Aquaman of Germanic Tribes rescued but put down too with Ex Rival Ocean Master aka Prince Orm and Neduis Vulko, the visitor and advisor, and then Germanic Peoples under Batman and Black Canary marched with Tiavaz and Green Lantern Corps Members and Batman laid down the terms and conditions of the war, if Batman wins Zod fights Sinestro and if Zod wins Batman leaves Superman and Aquaman here And Batman called the move and Guy Gardner met Kyle Rayner and Hal Jordan, Green Lantern Corps Members of Germania and they Trilled down Zod and war happened and Batman stabbed, slashed and killed Kryptonans Peoples and Cultures Followers and then John used Devils Luck and killed down 5 more and then Kilwog killed down 6 more with his strength and then suddenly a Raven Cawed " Wotanz is with us " and Batman and General Zod faced and a war happened and Batman killed 3 of his people and General Zod smashed him down but Black Canary killed Fora UL and then stabbed General Zod legs down and Batman hit him and left him since he lost he agreed a Superman and Aquaman became Free Mans and then Mongul and Parralez came down.

         Sinestro Corps flew down and attacked Thaal Sinestro took down Mongul and Parralez and then Sinestro and Atrocious Killed them and Begun the real wars has.

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