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an attack on titan fanfic by ARL3RTS

two hours earlier

"LOOKS LIKE SOMEONE WAS HERE", connie points out. looking around the old abandoned structure the team was forced to stay in. "that's strange considering it's so close to the wall. some thief's probably used it to store their goods. on one of the signs it said 'ruins of utgard castle'. who would've thought we would find a castle like this?" lynn said as everyone gathers around the fire they made, except for gelgar.

gelgar walks out of a dimly lit room holding a a bottle of what appears alcohol. "hey look at this!" lynn furrows her eyebrows, "no way.. is that wine?" gelgar nods, "yup." gelgar brings the bottle of wine closer to his eyes, squinting them as he tries to read the label, "what the hell? i don't understand a thing on here."

"your not going to drink it all, are you?" gelgar tenses and lowers down the bottle, "of course not. i'm gonna save it for it later." he then walks near the fire and sits down. nanaba and henning ( i think that's his name ) sit together as they talk, "it's crazy how all this contraband is in this castle."

nanaba sighs, "careful. you'll start sounding like an outlaw." she chuckles as gelgar turns reiner and the other 104th cadets, "you rookies should try and get some rest. titans won't be waking around at this hour, but the rest of us will take turns keeping watch. we leave four hours. score daybreak."

christa lifts her head up, "what happens if the wall hasn't been breached by the titans? where are they coming from?" gelgar gives her a quick look before getting up and walking away, "we'll find out tomorrow." gelgar walks up the stairs, "but— maybe it isn't that bad."

"she's right, there's barely any titans." henning remarked, "that is. if the wall was really breached." nanaba looks in between the group, "the only ones we've spotted were the initial ones." the group stares at nanaba until ymir turns to connie, "what about your village?"

"gone." he answers, "crushed by rumble." ymir and christa look down, "sorry." connie backs up his sentence, "everyone got out safely though. so i'm thankful." ymir looks at connie again, "didn't you say your village was destroyed?" she asks confused, "the houses were a mess but the villagers made it to safety. that should explain why there was no blood. still, i can't stop thinking about that titan on top of my house, i don't why but it reminded me of— my mother."

ymir burst into laughter at connies statement, tears leaving her eyes and breaths leaving her mouth by the second, "you think your mom is a titan? come on connie i knew your weren't straight in the head but this is a different level!" she continues to laugh which makes connie get annoyed, "you can shut up now." connie holds the side of his head, "if mother dear is a titan then dear old daddy is too, otherwise—"

𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐫𝐢𝐨𝐫, arminWhere stories live. Discover now