This Forsaken World Chapter 30

Start from the beginning

Stepping out into the main room I watched Evan struggling to get into his new uniform and chuckled. Moving to the armory I selected a freshly cleaned ten shot sidearm which held high caliber bullets for maximum damage. Slotting six fully loaded magazines into my pockets I decided against a primary and slid the pistol into my thigh holster.

"Hurry up we need to meet the platoon leaders to make a game plan." I walked towards the tent flap and stepped out into the fresh air, breathing in deeply. Evan staggered out behind me, the sniper rifle slung over his right shoulder with a bandoleer of ammo clips across his chest.

Sergeant Zander was drilling a few soldiers on there physical training and I walked over to join him.

"First Sergeant, can we set up a meeting with all of the officers and the tank and mech operators?" I asked. The man sighed in obvious irritation and nodded.

"I'll take care of it. Meet over by the motor pool, they've got a map set up near there." Without another word the NCO walked away to collect the platoon leaders.

Shaking my head I chose to dismiss the man's disrespect and made my way over to the repair station where the mech was being worked on by a single soldier. As I approached he instantly attempted to stand at attention, slamming his head into the right arm of the war machine and grunting in pain.

"Sir! Sorry, I'm Warrant officer Jenkins, this is mine, Wynona." With a smile that bordered on creepy obsession, the troopers patted the rocket pods on the ABW-3.

"Your the pilot? What about the other four crew members?" I inquired.

"Oh! 5th Platoon, they supply the extra personnel for the tanks, trucks and the mechanized walker. Cut's into there squad count but they function as support staff for the most part. They run mess hall, cleaning, armory maintenance, stuff like that. During combat there the ammo runners and communication teams, also use mortars when we have them." Jenkins gave me a goofy grin and I decided I liked him instantly, he was down to earth and just wanted to enjoy life.

Walking towards us were eight troopers, six men and two women. Lieutenant insignia adorned the collars of five of the soldiers and I pegged them as the platoon leaders.

"Captain, this is the leadership of the Panther Claws. Lieutenant Sanchez of 1st platoon, Echo, Lieutenant Hobbs of 2nd platoon, Delta, Lieutenant Johnson of 3rd platoon, Alpha, Lieutenant Asher of 4th platoon, Gamma and Lieutenant Suez of 5th platoon, Sierra." I shook the hand of each officer in turn as they were listed.

"Lastly we have Warrant officers Vesper and Alvarez. There the operators for the tanks." Again I shook there hands.

"Right, pleasure to meet you all. I'm Captain Grimm, this is my First Sergeant, just call him Evan." I indicated my friend who visibly blushed.

"I want you all to know I was previously a Sergeant and I have no command experience aside from that. I'm going to be depending on each of you to keep the company together. I won't change anything you are presently doing unless I see something I don't like, otherwise continue on as you normally would. I received word from the General not long ago that we need to be ready for combat at any time so make sure your men are wearing there equipment or they have easy access to it. I want the armory distributed and each trooper ready to fight on a moments notice. Understood?" Each of the Lieutenants surprised me with the amount of respect they were giving me, unlike Zander.

"Also we need the vehicles ready to roll out so make sure the solar cells are recharged and any ammo is loaded up. We are officially on stand by for engagement on the General's order. Dismissed." The officers saluted before scattering to round up there platoons to relay the orders.

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