Chapter 1 ~ LoLo

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"Everything I ever do is for us!" I'm screaming so loud, I know the whole state of Tennessee is listening. "You do nothing for us! Your lazy and worthless, and you don't deserve me!" Damien, my boyfriend, yells in response. Tears stream down my cheeks.

Every night we argue with each other. Damien and I slash at each other's throats, but he always wins. It wasn't always like this. We used to be the couple everyone else wanted to be, we were happy. Not anymore.

"Damien, my every waking moment is about us! I love you!" "Shut up!" His slides across my cheek. "How dare you say you 'love me'?" he asks through his teeth then slaps me again, "How dare you lie to me?!" He pushes me to the floor of his house. "Stop, Damien!" I plead. That was a mistake.

He bends down and my arm to yank me back up. "Let go of my arm. You're hurting me." I wince at the pain his grip sends through me. "Don't you tell me what to do!" He throws me against his front door. Grunting as my back comes in contact with the door, I think quick. Turning around, I yank open the door and run to my car. When I'm inside the car, I let out a sigh of relief.

I think to myself, where has my life gone?



My face is an obstacle in the sea breeze's path, as I stand on the peer watching the sun set.

Ashlee, my girlfriend, has disappeared. She claimed she had went to find the bathroom. Well, that was an hour ago. But, this is normal. All she ever does, even on our dates, is find another man. I've put up with it for a little over a year now, but now I'm tired of it.

Tomorrow it's over between us. Tomorrow I'm moving on to a new girl.



"Come on, Christian! This is our only chance! You need to hurry!" I whisper yell at my brother.

This is our night. We are finally escaping that heck whole of an orphanage. Christian and I have been planning this for months now. Right now, the orphanage is having their daily punishing, so everyone else will be distracted by providing, performing, or making sure of the punishments. But we'll be running into the western woods.

"I'm coming, Kat." My fourteen-year-old brother is a year older than me, but he listens to me as long as I listen to him.

"You know, you're really impatient, Kitty." He smiles down at me, and messes up my hair. "Stop it, Chris, you know I hate that nickname." "That's why I call you that." he say that as though it's the most obvious thing. Jokingly, I punch his arm. "Oh, come on, Kitty. You need to hurry." he chuckles.

"Your full of it, Chris." I whisper as we begin crawling towards the woods. We have to crawl because the orphanage has cameras everywhere. That's also why we had to wear all black, even our backpacks are black. In front of us, the woods are no more than two meters away. It's a little of a distance, but it's close enough for me to taste the freedom.

Right through those woods is the city of Berlin. That is where we will catch a plane to England where we'll then sneak on a boat to the United States. Those western woods, though, are thick. Very thick. It will take us a week, maybe even two to navigate through them, but we've come prepared.

We have been waiting for this escape since we were caught when I was only five-years-old.



Okay, so first off I want to say LoLo, you are completely awesome. Hugs! You are an awesome bestie.

LoLo is the extremely incredible friend that is the other half of this account (the Whovian half). Shout out to the story she's writing. It's called Secrets can change a girl. Pwease go check it out! It is VERY GOOD!!

Okay, so second off, I am in three different settings in this story. I DON'T LIVE IN ANY OF THEM! So, for the future, if I mix up info, get completely off info, or am offensive in anyway, PLEASE LET ME KNOW!! Also, no offensive to anyone with connections to Berlin, Germany. This is fiction. It's fake. I am not ever meaning to be offensive.

With those things settled... VOCOFA (Credit to @izzysaphira for creating that. I absolutely love that!) (It means vote, comment, fan.)

Well, I'll update as soon as I can! Thank y'all for reading!


If any of y'all were wondering about the title, well, here's your explanation. Every chapter will be titled something that I either love or has a great meaning in my life. It was my bestie LoLo this time! Comment on things you like, love, or has significant meaning in your life!

- Dani

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 05, 2015 ⏰

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