"Oh my god Eddie! " you all run inside to see Pennywise  lunging a bill. Beverly stabs Pennywise in the eye with a steal rod. Beverly bill and Richie back away from Pennywise. 

"Get Eddie! Get Eddie!" Bill shouts pointing at Eddie.

You all run across the room to Eddie. Eddie is screaming in pain.

"Oh, fuck we gotta get out of here!!" Richie yells. Pennywise turns around with the pipe still in his face he grows at us.

"Get Eddie. Let's go." Richie says.

"No! No ! No! No! "Eddie yells.

"Eddie look at me."Richie yells.

Pennywise walks closer.

"He's gonna get us! GUYS!" Eddie yells.No!Pennywise jumps at you and Beverly you both cut the corner on the China cabinet. Pennywise laughs the flings his head around and cuts Ben's stomach open with the steal rod.

"Ben!" You yell. Richie is yelling mike is yelling and Beverly is yelling so you don't understand what anyone is saying. You feel hands on you hips  trying to pull you out of the house.

"Don't let him get away !" Bill yells chasing after Pennywise.

"Bill, we have to help Eddie!" Beverly yells.

"No! No! Bill!"

" I'm gonna snap it back into place." Richie tells Eddie.

"Rich, do not fucking touch me. Do not touch me!" Eddie yells.

"Okay , one , two , three." Richie grabs Eddie's arm and cracks it back into place. The grip on your hips get tighter and they pull you turn around to see stan you grab his hand and run out of the house and jump on stans bike and ride off. To mrs K's house.


"You. You did this!" Mrs K's yells while pointing her finger at us.

"You know how delicate he is." She says throwing Eddie in the car.
"Wwwe were attacked Mrs K. "Bill says try to defend us.

"No. Dont. Don't try to blame anyone else. "Mrs K fights with her car keys and drops them. Beverly and I ho to pick them up.

"Get back! Oh, I've heard of you girls. And i don't want dirty girls like you touching my son."

"Mrs K I'm ssssss."

"NO! You are all monsters. All of you. Especially you y/n I hear what you do around town. And dont try to fool me young lady. "Mrs K says getting all up in your face.

"Hey, she hasn't done anything!" Stan yells from behind you. Mrs K backs away and gets in her car.and drives away.

"I saw the well. Wwwe know where it is and next time we'll be more prepared." Bill says.

"No! No next time bill. Your crazy." Stan say while grabbing your hand.

"Why? We all know no one else is going to do anything." Beverly says.

"Y/n got a concussion, Eddie was nearly killed. And look at this motherfucker, he's leaking hamburger helper." Richie yells.

"We can't pretend its going to go away. Ben, you said every 27 years." Beverly says

"Fine! I'll be 40 and far away from here. I thought you said you wanted to get out of this town too." Ben says.

"Because I wanna run towards something. Not away." Beverly says.

"I'm sorry but who invited molly ringwald in to the group? And I'm pretty sure we said no girls." Richie says.

Beverly flips off Richie. "Woah Woah Woah, Who the fuck made that rule ? You yell.

"I think I was bill." Richie says.

"Oh, fuck you bill." You yell.

"Yeah fuck you." Beverly says.

"I'm just saying, let's face the facts. Real world. Georgie is dead. Stop trying to get us killed, too." Richie yells.

"Georgie 's not dead." Bill yells at Richie.

"You couldn't save him, but you still can save yourself. "

"No, tttttake it back. Your scared,we all are but take it back." Bill says shoving Richie. Richie pushes bill back. Bill punches Richie . Stan let's go of your hand and runs to Richie to hold him back from bill.

"Your just a bunch of losers! Fuck off!" Richie yells .

"Richie,  stop. " stan says. Bill goes to punch Richie but you run to stop him. You and ben pull bill away .

"You're just a bunch of losers and you'll get yourself killed!" Richie yells.

"FUCKING STOP!" Beverly yells. You let go of bill and fall on your ass.

"This is what it wants. It wants to divide us.
We were all together when we hurt it. That's why we're still alive. "Beverly says.

"Yeah? Well, I plan to keep it that way." Richie says. Getting on his bike and riding away. Stan walks away pushing his bike.

"Y/n?" Beverly asks while you start to walk away.

"I'm sorry I have to go get stan."

"Why all summer long its been about stan?" Beverly says with and attitude.

"Oh, it been all about stan? But what about bill? Oh, like bill but I dont know if he likes me. Oh, i love bill, I'm gonna kiss bill. Bill bill bill bill. All fucking summer long." You say running away crying. You push past stan and run until you can anymore.  You fall in the middle of the road and you put your face in your palms and cry.

"Y/n? " stan asks dropping his bicycle in the road .

"I'm sorry I fucked things up this is all my fault." You say bawling.

"What's your fault? You have done nothing wrong. " stan says pulling you hands off your face. You stare into his eyes and cry . He pulls you in for a hug .

"Look y/n. I love you . And no matter what I will always love you. I will love you through thick and thin." You feel stans finger tips slid up the side of your face. You lean in closer you smash your faces together. Your lips move and sync . You pull away for air .



                        "I love you to."

Look I am so fricken sorry for not updating sooner but hears the chapter hope you like it. And yes he dropped the L word.

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