Second Time Around

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In the forest stood what looked to be a man wearing a white mask with it's mouth agape and eyes hollowed black. He had a black robe on with pieces of fabric flying through the air as the wind passed by. Standing next to him was the notorious Ji-Woon Hak aka The Trickster, he stood with his arms crossed over his chest and his right foot in front of his left holding most of his weight. He wore a nonchalant look as he held a conversation with the man next to him.

The man had just gotten back from a trial on the same map you and the trickster left your little message on. He was the first one to find it since the entity was busy with the influx of new members and didn't have time to clean up. You and the trickster were spared from the void for now... But there will come a time when it will find out and reprimand the two of you.

"The boss isn't going to be happy when he finds out you teamed up with a survivor. It's been what, two months and you're already breaking the rules." The ghost-like man started the conversation, resting his back on the nearby tree and sliding down into a sitting position.

"This coming from Ghostface the man who is known for fucking around with survivors and bending the rules whenever he sees fit." Taking a seat next to the black-robed man, the ground beneath him wet and cold from the rain that fell earlier that morning. Sitting on his yellow trench coat he was spared from the unsettling sensation of wet pants against his once dry legs. The soil beneath was drenched, but that was the last thing Danny cared about after going through a trial that lasted over an hour. All he wanted to do was take a second to regain the energy he had lost.

"True, but you're new here and you haven't made a bond with the entity yet. If you want to stick around I would recommend you not piss it off till you have shown your worth." Danny continued as he tilted his head up to rest it on the tree and let out an elongated breath of hot air. "But who am I to tell you what to do."

"If that fucker thinks I'm going to bow down to it, it's got another thing coming." Angrily throwing his bat over his shoulder and securing it with his other hand. A stoic expression played across Ji-Woon's face as he cursed the very thing that promised him a lifetime of killing.

"That's what I thought at first too, but after seeing what happened to the last guy who disobeyed it's rules I decided it wasn't worth doing anything too harsh." Remembering all the things his departed friend had gone through at the hands of The Entity, the way it physically and mentally tormented them. It was clear that the entity was not to be messed with, but still, the trickster tested his limits and continued to become a menace to both survivors and The Entity.

"So be it, if that fucker decides to throw me away it can go right ahead. It's no fun here anyways, I never get to relish in the screams of a survivor before another one pops a gen." He was deeply pissed, his tone spat venom whenever he spoke of the host of this sick game.

"Well, you have two choices either you distance yourself from y/n or you keep pushing it and see what happens." Turning to look at the Trickster with a maniacal grin hidden by the mask that blocked out all expressions. "The good thing is you killed her after the trial so it might forgive you." Danny tried to give his new friend some hope in a world where hope was scarce.

The trickster was going to offer a reply but his words got cut off by the fog eating away at him from the bottom up. The fog was potent, it was almost acidic in the way it deteriorated flesh and bone.

Noticing the mist creeping up on his friend Danny said, "Good luck!" Patting Ji-Woon on the shoulder before he completely disappeared.

. . .

The fog had lifted to reveal the Trickster standing in the basement of an abandoned meat plant. "Great! of course, I have to get the worst map to run this trial on." He said before running up to a generator looking for survivors. The sound of a failed skill check played in his ears, but he paid no mind to it since he had already locked onto a survivor blindly working with no knowledge of the killer creeping upon him.

Until yet another failed skill check drew his attention across the map. Deciding that the survivor failing skill checks left and right was going to be an easier catch, he ran over knowing full well that someone so dumb to fuck up two skill checks in a row wouldn't have the common sense to leave the area.

Once he had finally gotten over to the other side of the realm he was met with an all too familiar face, It was none other than f/n l/n. Your clothes were no longer shredded nor was your body tattered and bruised, you looked as though nothing had happened prior to this trial.

Meeting his intimidating gaze you froze still holding the wires to the generator not knowing what to do about the sudden threat on your life. Was he going to be civil or was he going to hunt you down like any other survivor?

"Well if it isn't y/n. Still haven't figured out how to hit those?" His tone was patronizing as always.

Rubbing the back of your neck in embarrassment as you stepped up from the generator. "Please tell me you're not going to push me up onto the gen again and insist that I strip?" You knew that sarcasm wasn't going to do any good for your safety, but you couldn't help it. Consider it payback even though this was nothing compared to what he did to you last trial.

"Nope that was a one-time experience, if you want me to do that again you're going to have to pay, I don't do free handouts the second time around.'' He smiled widely as you tried to hide the pink stain on your face. His cocky and flirtatious demeanor always made you feel flustered.

Playing it off you replied, "So are we going to pretend as nothing happened or do you want me to help again?"

"I'm not saying that you should turn on your friends, but if you were to there's a shit ton of knives in the lockers just waiting to be taken." He winked at you softly before spinning on his heel back to where he came.

It seemed like this was his way of telling you to join forces again. Was it worth it to spend a few minutes with him only to die in the end? Were you willing to sacrifice your life to be at his side once again?

Of course you were


I'm sorry this chapter is really short, but I hope you enjoyed it anyway! <3

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