Your Deal

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Hello! My name is Akilix. This wreck of a fanfic was written by myself. I'm currently updating previous chapters, so if you happen to be reading this and have already read it, you might want to go back and read it again. Please don't feel obligated to reread because the plot will remain consistent. I've merely added more detail and corrected some spelling mistakes. For all of you who are new to this fic, I hope you enjoy it!

Just a heads up, this story contains numerous trigger warnings, most of them are for violence. Just in case, I'll post a trigger warning at the beginning of each chapter, but you've been warned.


Black smoke rises from the ground beneath your feet, causing your body to wither away and disintegrate into ashes. One second you are in a bar getting shitfaced in hopes of leaving the miserable day behind, and the next, you're being stitched back together by what you guess is incredibly intense fog. The fog had torn you apart and reanimated you in strange territory. You were in a shack, and to your right stood a young girl dressed in a pink sleeveless top and blue leggings that ended somewhere below the knee. Her ginger tresses were braided on both sides of her head. To the right, there was a visibly dysfunctional generator, as well as a few lockers and an open window. Through the window, you could see a large stone wall and a thick layer of snow coating the ground.

"What the hell is going on?" you say to the redhead in a perplexed tone.

"I'll tell you when we've settled on the generator," she said, motioning to the generator in front of you. You both walk over to the gen, and you take the spot on the side, while she takes the spot on your left.

"So the goal of the game is to complete five gens. The gens open the exit doors, but there is a murderer on the loose, and their entire goal is to sacrifice us to the entity. There are skill checks when doing things like healing and gens." A white circle resembling a clock appeared in front of you right as she said this. You let it be, not knowing what it was, only to have the generator erupt with sparks.

"I'm guessing that was a skill check?" you concluded, putting two and two together.

"Yep, and I would recommend you run because every time you fail a skill check, it tells the killer where you are," she said as she got off the generator, but before she ran away, she said, "good luck newbie."

You were still dumbfounded, but you decided to follow her advice and flee the generator. You dashed out of the shack and into what appeared to be an abandoned ski lodge. You reasoned that going up the stairs and hiding would be the best option because you'd be able to hear the killer's steps and have more time to prepare a game plan; that is if they weren't already waiting for you atop the stairs. Sprinting up the stairs, you discovered a locker on the back wall of a room down the hall. When you open the locker, you're greeted by a row of neon blue and pink knives neatly lining the back, but you have no time to worry because a heartbeat is becoming increasingly louder, and it's not your own. As you close the door, you can hear the cracking of the floorboards as well as maniacal giggles rushing through the hall and halting at the foot of the locker.

Without hesitation, the killer knocked on the door as if he was playing a sick game of 'knock knock, who's there?' with his entrée of this trial. "You're new here aren't you?" he said in an eerie yet seductive tone.

"Yeah, and I'm guessing you're the killer" You should have been running for your life, but instead you were interrogating a man who could kill you at any point.

"You are correct. You're not running away from me, so I presume Meg didn't tell you everything about the trial "He stated as he unlocked the locker and examined you from head to toe, scrutinizing every inch of your body. Nobody knows if he was checking you out or sizing up his latest sacrifice for the entity.

"She told me quite a bit, but I'm still quite lost," you replied honestly, knowing that lying was pointless. "She said we needed to do gens to get out, and that was it."

He tried to suppress his amusement as he replied, "I see, well she left out one essential fact, only one survivor can escape." He continued, "So here's my offer: I'll hand over some of my blades to you, and you can kill them when they're least expecting it. I'll let you go once you've fulfilled my request."

"How can I know you're not lying when you're the killer?" You inquired as he drew a knife and whipped you around while holding the knife to your throat.

"True, but does it really matter if I'm lying? If I haven't made it obvious enough, if you deny me, I will slaughter you right now. So why don't you use your last chance at survival and help a friend out?" When he mentioned only one person could escape, part of you knew he was lying, but another part of you was a bloodthirsty monster who craved anarchy and carnage.

"Fine, you've got a deal."


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