The ending of everything

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Immense pain surges throughout my body, my knees shake and I collapse. Then, nothing. It's dark and pitch black.

Where am I?
What happened?
Where did everyone go?

I open my eyes. There's no one here. Where is here anyways?  I look down at my hand. It's clear.
Well not necessarily clear, more see through.

What's the last thing I remember?
Voldemort came bursting through the door. Looking for Harry. He saw me and didn't look twice before...killing me...

Am I dead? I must be. I only hope Harry and Lily got to safety.

Oh no. Now I remember, Peter! He betrayed us all. For the Dark Lord!
That traitor! We should have kept Sirius as our secret keeper.

In a quick blast the darkness turns blindingly bright. I can't see for another minute, then I can see everything.

I look below me and see a yellow light blasting a door open. My beautiful red haired, green eyed wife crouched down before Harry's crib.

"Stay strong Harry." Lily gives Harry a grim smile. Harry's oblivious to everything and goos at Lily. She kisses him on the head and just in time, abruptly stands between the crib and door.

He comes in. His eyes as cold as his heart. He flicks his wand, green light spewing from it.

NO!!! Not Lily. Not my Lily flower. Not my sweet, beautiful, delicate, Lily flower. He could have, should have tortured me. He could have done anything to me for my Lily, my Lily and Harry.

All our memories fly back. The first time I laid eyes on her. The feeling I had when I first saw her face, I knew she was the one, even then.

I remember the joy I had when she finally said yes to one of my  hundreds of  proposals to go on a date. I remember the first date. Our first kiss. The engagement, her reaction. Our wedding. Harry being born.

And I remember her smile through all of it. No matter the situation she just kept smiling. Always looking out for others. Worrying about everyone but herself. Her kind heart. While she was always looking out for others I was looking out for her.

She would forget that she needed to be loved too. She would just give so much love and she needed to receive it too.

Oh no. Not Harry. He's going to get him too. Not my baby boy. I should have spent more time with both of them. I should have been stronger. How could I not defend my own family? We should have gone deeper into hiding. Maybe even flown to a different country.

That didn't matter now because he'd gotten my Lily, and going to get Harry. And I'm already dead so there's nothing I can do but stand back and watch it all unfold.

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