The Date

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Judy offered to drive us to the picnic place and I couldn't say no to this beautiful human being in front of me. I grabbed the picnic basket and placed it in the trunk of her car and quickly ran to open the door for Judy. She looks down and smiles at me before sitting down in her seat.

I quickly grab a couple of breath mints and place them in my mouth. Eventually I climb into the passanger seat of Judy's car. We make small talk on the way to the picnic area but I was barely listening. I was admiring Judy the whole time. 

A few minutes later we reached the picnic area and I grab the stuff out of the trunk. I start by spreading out the picnic blanket. I then open the picnic basket and start by setting up the food in a nice and organized way. 

"Wow Carl. This looks amazing!" I hear Judy say as she walks my way. 

"T-Thanks Judy!" I stutter. I feel my face go red as she walks towards me in her beautiful red dress. She sits down and I hand her a sandwich my mom made for me. I pull out a water bottle and give it to her. I thought about buying wine but then I realized that I was only 12 years old and wasn't old enough to buy wine. I also couldn't afford it anyways. 

"So Judy... how are you today?" That was a dumb thing to say but I said it anyways.

"It was alright Carl. But it became better when you asked to take me on a date," She looks over and winks at me. I instantly feel a blush on my face. I give her a nice smile then start to eat my sandwich. 

My mind started to wander to Jimmy. I was on a date with his mom. I was most likely ruining their relationship. Plus, I was betraying my friend. At this point, the only reason I went to his house was to sneak around and see his mom. 

"Carl.. what are you thinking about?" Judy asks. I almost forgot that she was still here. 

"Uh- just Jimmy" I tell her. I regret it as the words leave my mouth but there they were. 

"Carl sweetie.." She puts a hand on my thigh and my whole body feels hot. 

"Jimmy won't find out about this okay?" She says and winks on me. 

How am I going to deal with this?


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