Getting Her on a Date

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I was super nervous for today. I was going to try and get Judy to go on a date with me. I decided that I might as well try to dress nice instead of my usual striped shirt with green pants. I searched for a while before I found a nice white button up and some black pants. 

I grabbed my notebook and flipped to the page where I wrote all the perfect ideas to get Judy to notice me. 

"Ok so I need a picnic blanket, some food, and a pretty place to set it all up," I mumbled to myself. I checked my room for some money and in total I had $10.93. 

"Should be enough." I put on my shoes and ran down stairs. My mom was sitting in the living room watching t.v.

"Carl sweetie? Where are you going?" She turned to look at me. 

"Just to the store! I have to buy something for Jimmy and Sheen," I lied. 

"Oh alright! Be back soon!" I waved and ran out the door. I didn't run for long. About 15 minutes later I reached the store. It was summer now so I assumed that they had some picnic related items. After awhile I finally found a picnic blanket and basket. I went to go pay and realized I only had about a dollar left. How was I going to buy food? I sucked at cooking so that probably wasn't an option. I mean I could always ask my mom to bake something. You know what? Yeah I'll do that. 

Eventually I reached my house and instantly went to my mom. 

"Mom! Can you make some cookies?" I asked.

She looked at me and said," Sure sweetie!" I sighed in relief. About 45 minutes later the cookies were baked and cooled and I bagged them up and put them in my picnic basket. I told my mom I would be back later and went to Jimmy's house to find Judy. 

I knocked on the door and the love of my life answered the door. 

"Carl? What are you doing here? Jimmy never told me you were coming over?" Judy asked. 

"M-Miss. I'm not here for Jimmy... I'm here for y-you!" I blushed as she looked at me with a surprised face. 

"Will you go on a picnic with me?!" I pretty much shouted at her face. 

"Carl.." She started to say.

"I know it's weird but can't I just do something nice for my friend's mom?" I asked. She looked down and smiled at me. 

"I guess I can go!" 

My heart started to flutter. I did it. I got Jimmy's mom to go on a date with me. 

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