"Louis talks about me? I'm sorry it's just like unreal that you even know who I am." Lizzie said excitedly, her accent was almost identical to Louis'.

Penelope almost felt bad for ever thinking that Lizzie was a bad person. She seemed like the nicest person ever, the way she talked about her admiration for Penelope made her think that she'd misjudged Lizzie.

She continued listening to Lizzie ramble on before finally cutting her off.

"You know what, hold that thought! I brought my friend with me and I should really go find her." Penelope wiggled out of Lizzie's surprisingly tight grip.

She turned a corner that lead to the main hall where she and Jules first arrived in. And there she found her still standing in the same spot Penelope had left her.

"Hey! Sorry about that... press photos." Penelope muttered as she approached Jules.

"No biggie!" Jules shrugged. "I walked around for a little, this place is insane." Her eyes lit up.

"Come on, Louis and Lizzie are waiting."

They started walking back towards the auditorium. "Lizzie? I didn't know she was coming along."

"Yeah, Louis decided to bring her along since she's never been to a premiere before."

They met up with Louis and Lizzie once again. Penelope introduced Jules and Lizzie before the four of them entered the auditorium.

Inside was a huge projector screen that you'd find in a normal movie theater. It was filled with rows and rows of black cushioned seats.

Many guests and members of the cast and crew were already seated. Together, they searched for a row with four free seats and found one.

As they got ready to sit down, Lizzie took the middle seat. Penelope looked at Louis, and he looked back at her.

With Lizzie in the middle it only left one seat to the left of her and two to the right of her.

Penelope couldn't just let Jules sit next to a stranger, what kind of friend would she be?

So she decided to take the seat to the right of Lizzie. Jules took her spot next to Penelope. Leaving Louis on the opposite side of Lizzie.

"I hope you don't mind. I'm so short and can hardly see over all the heads." Lizzie smiled at Penelope.

"Oh it's fine. I'm in the movie so it's not like I need to see it anyways." Penelope lightly joked, sending Lizzie into a fit of laughter.

Penelope turned to her right to look at Jules who already had that look.

"Was it really that funny?" She whispered to Jules.

Jules shook her head no slowly. Penelope looked over at Lizzie again, who was uncomfortably close to Louis.

"This is going to be a loonnng movie." Penelope sighed.

Jules nodded her head in agreement slowly, doing her best to stifle her laugh.

And indeed it was a very long movie. Penelope couldn't help, but keep glancing at Lizzie during the entire screening.

It was that gut feeling again. Somehow Lizzie was trying to make her feel jealous.

She was constantly touching Louis' shoulder, leaning on him, grabbing his hand, resting her head on him, being all giggly and whispering things to him.

The giggling was what really got her, it amazed Penelope how Lizzie hadn't managed to get 'shushed' yet.

But all she could do was look at Jules to assure herself that she wasn't just seeing things.

As the credits popped up, Penelope had never clapped and cheered so loud in her life once the movie finally ended.

She instantly got up and moved out of the row into the isle. Louis noticed her quick exit and followed after her, excusing himself from Lizzie. He caught up to her outside the theater and grabbed her hand.

"Hey, are you alright?" Louis stepped a little closer to her.

"I'm... fine I just needed some air." Penelope lied.

"Nope. That's not it."

"What do you mean 'Nope'? It's just really hot in that theater."

Louis pulled them aside so they were out of the way. "Penelope it's all over your face that something is bothering you." He looked at her with pleading eyes.

"Alright... you caught me." Penelope put her hands up sarcastically.

"I probably sound stupid, but it felt like Lizzie was super touchy with you during the movie. And I know she's your friend and all, but it made me really uncomfortable."

"That's it?" Louis looked surprised.

Penelope blinked. "Well— yeah."

"Then I'll just tell her not to be so touchy. You don't have to hold in your feelings because she's my friend."

"I know, I don't want to make things weird or different now between you and her." Penelope felt a little guilty deep down for saying anything at all.

"You won't. You're my girlfriend now, things are different. We just have to set boundaries."


Louis lifted her chin. "Now you can cheer up?As beautiful as you are when you're upset, a smile looks a thousand times better on you darling."

He gently tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, and kissed the tip of her nose.

"Gross. Now if you two are done, let's party!" Jules stood with her arms crossed behind them.

Lizzie was behind her, that cheeky smile that was plastered onto her face since earlier had now faded into a grimace. Penelope nor Louis seemed to notice it.

A/N: FINALLY SOME TEA 🙄 SNSNSKDNSKE but y'all... just wait for next chapter 😳 OK BYE

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(finished editing 3/10/22)

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