I burn for you...

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I burn for you
A thousand times, a million
I roam these lands in search of you
My beloved
Every flower I see, every color and hue
Everything reminds me of you
This flower that I offer you
Freshest bloom, this drop of dew
Tis my heart, my love
That I give to you
That there was a light for me
At the end of hope, that misery
Your glory shone endlessly
Upon me, wretched nobody
Your voice that said, live for me
And so I do, I live for thee
If this is living, I live for thee
What is death, eternity
I long for you
I burn for you
Never shall I tell you why
How it is that I did die
Lest your heart be hurt,
I shan't ever tell you why
But what is death, my love
I'm still here
I'm here until the end of time
As you walk this earth,
You are reason, rhyme
I will find you, without fail
Every path you walk, every trail
I'll protect you, guide you
Even if I have to burn again
And come back, time and time again
As long as you walk this earth
As long as you are here
I refuse to leave
I refuse to leave...

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2021 ⏰

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