Chapter Twenty Six

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The woman chuckled, turning around to face her. "I figured you would sooner or later, go ahead."

Ana fidgeted with her thumbs for a moment, mulling over exactly what she wanted to ask. She was still processing everything with him, and there were times she thought she was living some sort of fantasy. "Well...Michael is so different compared to everyone else, and not just because of his...power, but..." She trailed off with a shake of her head. "I mean, he hardly ever eats. He doesn't sleep well in the night...and he's just so angelic looking." She breathed, leaning back against the chair. She understood she could have asked Michael all this, but she could always tell he was nervous when she asked him questions regarding his ability, and he always held this look in his eye that he thought she was going to leave him. It broke her heart, but she needed some questions answered, and she knew Miriam would give it to her straight.

Miriam offered a smirk. "Well, I wouldn't exactly say angelic is the term for it, but I understand what you mean." She spoke, taking a seat across from Ana. "Michael's body is somewhat...more advanced than the average person. He doesn't need the things we do to be able to function properly. When he was living with Constance, she held him back, made him feel ashamed of who he was and what he was created to do. With me, I've helped him embrace that, and so have you Ana." Ana smiled at the woman's complement, though she was confused as to what she meant by do what he was created to do.

"That makes sense." Ana shrugged. And it did, too. Chalking up all of his odd habits to his "sixth sense" so to speak, made it easier to understand. If she could believe he could levitate objects, flicker lights and create snow, surely she could believe he didn't require to eat as much as the average person. "Thank you for being so honest with me. I know I could have asked Michael, but he always seems so nervous when I bring it up. Scared even, like I'm just gonna high tail it away from him." She sighed with a sad smile.

Miriam nodded, looking towards the stairs to his room. "He was like that with me at first, always afraid I was going to leave him to fend for himself. I don't know exactly what Constance did to him, but whatever it was really messed him up." She shook her head in slight anger, turning back to Ana. "He's afraid of scaring you off, so don't take it personally if he clams up." She sent the girl a smile, taking her dirty plate and putting it in the sink.

It was rather early, not even eight o'clock, and she wondered when Michael would be waking up. She looked toward the stairs with a sigh, saddened that Michael was afraid she would leave him. Though, she understood the feeling. She too, often worried he would abandon her just like everyone else did. But on the other hand, maybe that's why they were brought together. Two teenagers from broken families, you're typically tragic love story. She smiled at the thought, standing up from her chair.

"I'll go see if he's up." She announced, disappearing from the room and heading towards his. She quietly slipped inside, smiling gently at his sleeping form. It was such a small bed for such a tall person, and she recalled several times in the night where she felt like she was falling off. Maybe that's why he liked staying with her so much, because her bed was so much bigger.

She crouched down beside him, pushing his strawberry blonde curls away from his face. "Michael?" She whispered, rubbing the tip of her thumb over his lip. His eyes fluttered softly, but remained closed. She chuckled quietly, pushing her hair over her shoulder. "If you wake up I'll blow you." She smirked, letting out a laugh as his eyes flew open.

"Ah, there he is." She smiled wickedly, moving to sit on the bed as he sat up.

"That was evil." He shook his head with a yawn, glancing at the clock. "How long have you been up?" He spoke tiredly, and Ana noted how attractive his morning voice was.

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