Chapter 8: The Deal

Start from the beginning

"Yes. I think I am staying. Our conditions still extend, yes?"

"But of course, Daniel. However, there is something I want to ask of you."

Phantom raised an eyebrow, "And that is..."

"As of right now Rin knows that you know that he is the son of Satan. With the last barrier out of the way, I'd like you to teach him how to utilise his power. That's what I had in mind from the start."

"Why me, though?"

"Simple. I suspect that one unique half demon may teach another one better than a fully established King. After all, you obviously have mastered the art enough to utilise it in combat, and that's precisely what I ask of you. To help Rin ascertain his true power. It will only be helpful to him in the future, and if you are friends with him, he may just help you in exchange."

"But how am I even supposed to do that? I am half ghost, he is the Son of Satan, our powers are different by definition."

"Not as much as you would expect. So, if you do agree, begin as soon as possible. Then tell me the time you will be practicing, I'll give you a proper place."


"Great, now...wait a second, why would you say that?" Mephisto asked in surprise.

"I don't want to. I have other things to do besides teaching, Pheles. Atop of that, how would you explain these extra-curriculum activities? People will start asking questions to which I struggle to find the answer."

"You? Struggle? Please, like anyone will blame a delinquent for missing out on things. As for Rin, I'll free some time for him."

"Which does not remove the first issue. My answer stands, go find another teacher."

Mephisto sighed, "I guess I will have to bring up my final argument. You want to stay, yet there is one problem. You didn't pass."

Danny froze, "Excuse me?"

"All we have is the words of one man to confirm biased man to whom you revealed your demonic nature."

His voice was dripping with fake sadness, yet he smirked upon seeing the distraught face of the teen.

"I killed that demon, I killed your damn brother, a Demon King. And you tell me that I am not good enough."

The teen's voice was filled with incredulousness, anger, covered under a thick layer of cold calmness.

"Shall I be the one to tell the oblivious staff about it? And Vatican too? I am to send the lists of the exwires, along with explanations of why I chose them, you know."

Danny was indeed at a loss, that bastard did have the control at the moment, "Fine. What of it?"

"I will have you do some "social work" for extra points. This way you will at least pass. Not with the best grade, but still."

"And this extra work includes helping a lagging student...when I am the one behind as well."

"You are lagging in different departments, though. So, what do you say to this, Mr. Phantom?"

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