Dark | Ushijima x Y/N

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"Shiiiratorizawa! Shiiiratorizawa!" You are actually getting used to the loud chants and banging noises around you.

   You didn't really know why you keep on watching them play even though you knew that you have no chance to make him yours. To add up, you were always sure that they'd win anyways.

   The last spike of the game was given by Ushijima which made it all a victory for Shiratorizawa once again.

   You felt your heart skipped a beat when he looked at your direction and seemed like directly in your eye. That same thing you felt when you first saw him on that playground came back.

"Girls! Did you see that? He looked directly at me! Kyahh!! Imma go to him right now!" The captain of Shiratorizawa's cheering squad excitedly ran down the gymnasium to congratulate Ushijima and the whole team.

   God, you thought that it's you. It's a great thing you didn't reacted because if you did, the whole squad might think that you're just one of Ushijima's crazy fangirl.

   Oh, well. It was a great play. You went home directly and thought of him dating the captain all the way. Why the heck are you still dreaming that he'd chose you? You're just his mere childhood friend who's not even half as successful as he is now!

   You were too frustrated that you didn't realize how many paintings you've made already. Since you got this odd habit of not looking at your painting once it's completely dried, you let it sit for a whole while and looked at your messy face on the mirror.

   Suddenly, you heard your door bell rang and hesitantly rushed down to see who it is. You silently wished that it's not someone you're close with since you look like a freakin' mess with all those paint and stuff.


"H-hey! H-how long has it b-been?" You asked uncomfortably but still invited him in.

"Why are you avoiding me?" That surely got you.

   You made him sit on the sofa and turned on the TV, not k owing how to reply. "I-I'm not. Hehe. But if that's how you felt, I'm sorry."

"Y/N, are you afraid of being seen with me?"

"Huh? Why do you even think of that? You're like, the King of Shiratorizawa. I'll call mom and dad, I know you came here for them. If they won't come home for the weekend then go back to your queen. She needs you." You excused yourself to the kitchen and prepared some snacks for him while contacting your parents.

   It didn't take them a while to answer but soon apologized because they'd be out for the weekend again.

"Here." You placed the tray in front of him and told him that they won't be arriving any soon.

"Where are you going?"

"I deserve a bath. You can stay here as long as you want. Here's the remote." And so you calmly walked to your bedroom. You had to bury your face on the pillow to let your self scream like hell.

   To be honest, you're too nervous about what might happen now. Ushijima, your childhood friend and ultimate crush under the same roof as you. Not to mention that you are all alone and that you're parents won't be back fir at least a day or two.

    You carefully looked down to check on him and yup, he's still there. You actually don't know what you'd do and is now completely eaten out by panic.

   It's dark outside already and he's still down there. You kinda felt bad about him but you can't do anything here!

   Relax. Deep breaths. After thoroughly calming yourself down, you finally prepared for a relaxing bath. Everything's going to be fine, you told yourself.

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