"Just don't tell anyone, okay?"

"Are you sure?"

"Please, Ron. I don't want them to worry." 

"Okay, fine." 

For Ron, Caitlin had become an almost sister-like figure over the months; she was someone who was always there for him in ways even his own brother couldn't be and he would do anything for her, even if it meant lying to the people who're risking their lives for him. 

Just then, Iris walked, "Caitlin, he's awake." 

As Caitlin walked to the medical bay, Savitar stopped her by the arm and whispered in her ear. 

"Your mom left earlier. I guess she couldn't see him, you know? She wants you to know she's here if you need her." 

"Thanks," she kissed his cheek and walked in. 

Team Flash stood in front of the human-form of Icicle who seemed to be very nervous as he looked around until his eyes stopped upon Caitlin.


Caitlin stepped up ahead of everyone, "my name is  Dr. Caitlin Snow, I-" 

"How do you know Crystal?" Ron interrupted.


Everyone looked at Ron who's eyes widened, "Thomas?"

"Why are you here?"

Ron walked up to him and punched him across the face. He was about to hit him again but Savitar grabbed ahold of him.

"That's for everything you did to Crystal!" 

"Woah, what a family reunion!" Cisco exclaimed. 

Everyone looked at Thomas for an explanation. 

He sighed, "Crystal and I were never on the best terms." 

"That's putting it lightly," Ron's eyes burned in fury, "after she got her powers, you left her, just like her mother. You were never there, even when she was pregnant!" 

"Can you blame me?" Thomas fought back, "as soon as she got her powers, she fell in love with you and now God knows where she is." 

"You don't know?" Ron's voice softened. 

"Don't know what? Did you find her?" 

"Crystal-she-she's dead." 

Thomas looked at Ron for a few seconds, trying to comprehend exactly what he was saying.

"Y-you're lying." 

"I-" Ron stopped himself, there was nothing he could say.

Thomas breathed out unsteadily and launched himself at Ron. He punched him in the face and Ron, though he could've beat Thomas, did nothing to retaliate. 

Savitar and Barry quickly held Thomas back, but that didn't stop Crystal's father from swearing at his son-in-law. 

"You son of a b*itch! I'll get you killed, even if I have to do it myself." Thomas' eyes were watery and he looked up to the sky, "I never should've let her stay with you."

"Ron had nothing to do with Crystal's death," Savitar chimed in. 

"You don't know anything, child." 

Savitar straightened up but Caitlin stopped him with a touch on his shoulder. 

"He's right," she said, "the man you've been working with, Matthew, he's the one that killed your daughter." 

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