A Powerful Aura

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The was rising up and Lucario had woken up not feeling good

Lucario: Something is hurting my head badly and i feel like i can't control it

Espeon: Hey lucario

Lucario: He-Hey

Espeon; Are you ok

Lucario: I don't think so

Espeon: What's wrong

Lucario: I don't know is there anyway your psychic powers could tell

Espeon: Let me see

Lucario: Feel anything

Espeon: Mhm it's your aura it's trying to get control over you

Lucario: That's weird it's never happened to me before

Espeon: I can't help you with your aura since i don't anything about aura

Espeon: i would say just wait and see what happens throughout the day

Espeon: actually i know a shiny lucario back at home that had this problem

Lucario: What happened

Espeon: The aura took control and it made him like evil he hurt like 10 people

Lucario: That is not good

Espeon: I think you should just wait see if anything happens\

Lucario: I'll be in the battlefield i need to stay away from anyone just in case something happens

Espeon: Good idea i make sure to tell the other's

Greninja: What's up with lucario

Espeon: His aura

Greninja: Oh his aura trying to take control of him

Espeon: Yep

Greninja: I'll make sure he doesn't hurt anyone

Espeon: Ok

Lucario: This sucks my head is killing me i feel like i'm losing control

Greninja and Braixen where together when they heard a scream it sounded a lot like lucario

Greninja: Should we check it out

Braixen: Yes!

Greninja and Braixen head to the battlefield and see Lucario but something looks different. His eyes were pinch black and he started walking towards them slowly.

Greninja: Braixen I don't think something good is going to happen

Braixen: Mhm

Greninja: Alright just try not to get hit please

Braixen: Ok

As soon as Greninja said that Lucario shot a focus blast heading towards Braixen But Greninja went in front of Braixen and took the hit for her.

Braixen: Greninja! Are you ok!

Greninja: Mhm

Greninja: I don't want to attack him but that might have to be a last option

Greninja: Actually Braixen go get the other's

Braixen ran inside and got the other's and they came to the battlefield and saw Lucario and Greninja.

Espeon: Did it take control

Braixen: yep and now he's out of control

Espeon: Hey Greninja try not to hit him remember he's not in control

Greninja: alright!

Lucario rushed towards Greninja and Greninja Grabbed him by one of his arms but one of them was still open so he used poison jab, getting a direct hit and making Greninja poisoned.

Braixen: Oh no Greninja!

Greninja: It will be ok

Lucario pushed Greninja away from him and used focus Blast getting another direct hit then coming at him with a thunder punch with another direct hit.

Greninja Grabbed Lucario's arm's but he used Blaze kick making him let go.

Greninja flinged Lucario into the air and used hydro pump not trying to do much damage but Lucario used Thunder punch getting a direct hit.

Braixen: He's taking to much damage

Greninja: Hey jolteon

Jolteon: Yeah

Greninja: I'm going to try and Grab lucario and i need you to use thunderbolt but try like 90% power on me and 10% power on Lucario i think just a little pain will make him snap out of it.

Jolteon: Woah Greninja are you sure it will hurt you way more than lucario\

Greninja: mhm i think i can take it

Jolteon: Alright

Jolteon used thunderbolt on Lucario which also hit Greninja; he managed the power so Greninja would get hurt more.

Greninja: Come on Jolteon keep it up

Greninja: Lucario can you hear me

Greninja: No response keep using thunderbolt

Jolteon kept using thunderbolt But it was hurting Greninja More than lucario he wondered if he should stop.

Greninja: Lucario Can you hear me

Lucario: hm

Greninja: Jolteon stop!

Jolteon: Stopped using thunderbolt and Lucario's eye's turn back to normal

Lucario: Greninja what happened did my aura take control

Greninja: Yeah but nothing happened really so your good

Lucario: Ok

Espeon: Lucario apparently your aura take's control just once in your lifespan for any Lucario

Lucario: Phew that's nice to know

Braixen: Greninja Are you ok

Greninja: i'm fine

Braixen: How about we head to sleep it's getting late

Greninja: alright

Everyone went to their bedrooms after this crazy day and fell asleep waiting for the next day

Greninja x Braixen (Abandoned) (HORRIBLE GRAMMAR WARNING)Where stories live. Discover now