exception or rejection

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As 035 entered the hallway that would lead to 049's room,he was thinking about his companionship with 049. But as he came closer to his room he grew nervous as only now had he gathered the courage to tell 049 how he felt. As 035 stepped into the doctor's room, not bothering to knock as he was determined. As he approached the doctor and came closer, the doctor turned around jumping at the sight of 035."you scared me!" The doctor exclaimed. Without saying anything in response to the doctor he started coming closer,"is all ok?"the doctor said hesitantly as he took a few steps back.

As 035 came closer and closer to 049, the doctors starts backing up soon bumping into the wall."you're starting to scare me, are you okay?"the doctor's shaky voice broke the silence. 035 walking faster and pinning the doctor to the wall looking down to see 049 looking up at him panicked and flustered by the actors behavior,"w-what are yo-"049 being cut short by the sudden feeling of 035's lips against his.

In a panic 049 tries to push 035 away,but as soon as he tries 035 pins the doctors hands to the wall using his free hand to let the doctor's mask off of his face revealing curly black hair matched with soft gray skin. Having had a good look at 049's face, the doctor turns to panic as 035 kisses him for the second as 05 deep into the kiss of when I melts into his touch giving in to the actors control."I love you darling~...."035 whispers to 049 making him blush a dark red. As 049 starts kissing 035's black stained skin tracing hickeys down the actors neck to his chest. 035 starts a buttoning 049's robes only making the doctors pale skin turn bright red. 035 starts pulling 049 pants down they'll hate mediately notices how big the doctor is, making him blushingly smirk.

049 only watches as 035 gets onto his knees pulling the doctors underwear down wanting more. The doctor can feel 035 suck on his cock while trying not to moan. As 035 start sucking harder making the doctor tremble from his touch.
As as 035 grabs the doctor's waste pulling him closer, he could feel the doctor's cum glide down his throat making 035 slightly gag while the white liquid dripped onto the floor. Is 035 got up come still dripping from his mouth, the doctor could see him taking his shirt off. As is there anything from grab the doctor, slamming him onto the floor,slowly pushing his cock into the doctor while holding him down. 035 could hear the doctor moaning and begging, suddenly 049 could feel the actor take it out making him gasp,"that's enough..."035 exhaustingly muttered letting go of 049.

Penn's 035 to the wall holding his throat tightly making him choke."harder master~...."035 moaned teasingly into the doctor's ear. He could feel the doctor a collar around his neck slightly choking him even more. After a few minutes the doctor takes the collar off leaving 035 gasping for air and defenseless while filled with lust,"oh master~ you did so good~"035 moaned to the doctor. 1035 catches his breath he starts kissing the doctor deeply, soon enough the doctor is pulled onto 035 being held down. Soon enough 035 finds the doctors tongue all the way down his throat making it hard to breathe. As soon as a phone breaks the kiss 035 feels the wonderful sensation of the doctor's tongue sliding out of his throat allowing him to finally breathe. Both relieved and sad that they needed to go to sleep for the night see if I pick the doctor up sending him in bed and leaving.

Two Old Friends(Scp-035 x Scp-049)Where stories live. Discover now