Break Through Odds

Start from the beginning

Since this house is really huge I searched few places and it already felt like I had searched atleast four to five normal sized houses. Finally I found Karen herself in the laundry room. Good, cause I'll not have alotta explaination to do.

When I was done telling her what had happened, Karen was shaking me while she was squealing. It took me few seconds to process what she was up to. Then I realised she was expressing her happiness. Certainly she was overjoyed that I listened to her advise and it was fruitful.

"Okay. Okay. Karen I see that your excited, but you do realise that your shaking me right?" Karen instantly took her hands off of me and mouthed a sorry and giggled. To which I let out a short laugh.

"Oh my God, Savannah, I can't believe it actually did work. I'm sooo happy for you. And I'm glad that you're okay. Well mostly I'm really really happy for your progress. I think it was working. I'm pretty sure you're gonna revive him from what he's going through. You've got this girl." Karen spoke as cheerful as always and smiled at me with all her teeth before she left me there. Okay that was really fast.

I walked up to the library and sat there debating with myself whether to voicemail Adele or to call her or just let it be and talk sometime later. After a very long conversation inside my head I decided I'd talk to her later sometime when I feel like it. I tried alot to grab my own attention and focus it on reading but I ended up falling asleep right there.

I woke up when I heard the telephone ringing. Well not mine apparently. I opened my eyes and found Ethan seated across me with some book in his hands. Hmm he reads! It was his phone that had rung.

"I'm so sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to wake you." Ethan spoke, so charmingly making me almost forget what happened with Hunter earlier.

"No thats okay. It's not like I wanted to sleep here anyway." I replied to him with a slight giggle, to which Ethan smiled at me adoringly, but the way his pink lips curved to one side only made me adore him more.

"Alright I wanted to talk to you but I found you sound asleep here so I decided to wait until you woke up. Honestly, watching you sleep was such a bliss." I blushed to his words as always, he never fails to do that.

"Hmm, I realised there's something we're yet to do. Honeymoon." He said closing the book he was holding with a muffled thud. I could see that he was excited but was too proud to show off that he was.

Ethan walked towards me, his shoes making contact with the marble flooring made a squeaking sound, which almost sounded like a rat under a wheel.

"A honeymoon. Seriously?!!" I was surprised, how could he even think of it amidst such chaos. Oh yeah he's not aware of it, I remember.

"Yes a honeymoon. So where do you wanna go?" I assume he didn't notice the hint of sarcasm in my tone.

"Paris? Santorini? Bora Bora, Bulgaria? Or someplace like Bali? Tell me Savannah, where would you like to go?" Now he was showing off his excitement. He looked soo happy, like a little boy who just had an unexpected day off from school. I could see that in his eyes, and I didn't wanna mess it for him. So I just smiled at him while I nodded my head sidewards.

"I'm fine with anything. Anywhere you wanna be. Maybe somewhere calm and quiet where we can pass time with eachother rather than sightseeing." I could say that he seemed quite satisfied with what I said.

"Okay then, you good with Tuscany? That's one of my favourites." Ethan asked me eagerly waiting for my approval. Oh my God. What's up with him, he seems really happy. But I'm happy that he's happy.

"That sounds perfect." I gave the answer he wanted to hear.

Ethan pulled me closer, his touch felt like a bunch of rose petals falling off of me. Sometimes I wonder how he's always this soft with me, because I know how harsh and strong he can actually be.

He mouthed a 'Thank you', and placed a quiet kiss on my cheek unlike other times where he makes this ziplock sound.

As he was about to leave the room to me, I called out to him to ask him what was nagging me since the minute I saw him in this room.

"Hey Ethan?" I called out his name.

"Yeah Honey?" Ethan stopped on his way back and turned to look at me.

"What happened back at the garden, where did you go?" I felt immediately relieved but not for a long time now I had his answer to worry about.

"Well, I..... I'm not so sure. I.. I probably must've zoned out and then drove off to get some air." Ethan spoke soo confused. He was hiding his confusion since he thinks that would get me worried.

"And oh. Hunter talked to you at the garden,right? I saw you before I left, I wanted to check if he was messing with you but I assume he wasn't. Did he? I warned him not to disturb you or interupt you're path." Ethan was furious when he said that. He must've had that in his subconscious, he must probably know the whole thing I spoke to Hunter.

"No, that's not it. I'm fine. He didn't hurt me. . I don't think he will anymore." As I said that I saw him calm down. I hoped he really did.

"Fine. It's way past bed time, you should get some rest come on sweetheart let's get to the bedroom. I want you all fresh and boosted at our honeymoon not tired and sleepy." He said that as we walked to our room.

He spoke trying to be funny, trying to make me laugh. Which I did. That is so not him. He's not this person, but he's making his best efforts only for me. Which he sure is succeeding at.
He's being soft and making jokes and being jovial, all for me. I'm not even sure I deserve all this.

But I can clearly see his struggle, he's hiding so much pain from me. He must be losing time, like hours and hours of it, and I can't even imagine how that must drive him crazy. Poor Ethan, he's been going through alot. I will surely fight for him. I'm gonna make this right, Hunter can't ruin his life forever. I will definitely help Ethan out of his misery, for him and for me. For us. I will always be there for him.

ETHAN HUNTERWhere stories live. Discover now