"For god's sake Henry how the hell do you know all that?" I asked looking up at him with a funny expression. He is tall. Like one head and a half taller than me. Thank god he is blocking the sun if he cooperates with me and stands in the right place.

"I've heard my dad talking about his family a lot. They have a name. Dirty. But still a name. You know they are fancy and all but they are involved in the most illegal cases. You know his dad actually had made those investments in Switzerland but my dad and his colleagues say that he used that money to close some mouths that needed closing." He continued. I loved all the tea. Back in high school, we used to know everything that was going on. Seems like the hobby has continued in College too. Henry's dad is the National Bank's Chief. He knows many people and he has many connections. Thus, he knows many things about the underground too. He has that habit where we always talks about it with Henry's mum or my parents thinking that nobody is hearing him except from his listener but Henry is there. In his eyes, Henry is an innocent boy, down to earth who only minds his own business and is interested only in his studies. Poor bloke doesn't have a clue on what Henry does.

"You gossip queen. You know what? I think that if we published a tome about all the shit going on here we would gain millions." I said grinning with the known grin. Henry grinned too. "There are always fuckers who are up to something."

"Always and everywhere. Oh shit." He exclaimed looking at his wristwatch.

"What?" I asked suddenly snapping out of my very enjoyable time spying on the couple under the tree. I mean, even if I was a lesbian I would still shag him. He was, not pretty, but hot. You know, there are the types who are cute, the ones that are pretty and the ones that are hot. Henry once did a whole freaking presentation on the subject.

"It is sixteen twenty-three." He said staring at me with wide eyes as if I had to remember something very serious and important about that hour.

"So what? You forgot to take your pressure medicine grandpa?" I asked sarcastically arching an eyebrow. He facepalmed and started searching for something in his suitcase. He searched and searched.
This guy carries more things than I even do. One day he was carrying a spare pair of shoes with the explanation of 'What if I step in shit?' Quite a genius that boy is. After some solid seconds of searching, he pulled out a scrap of paper and swung it in front of my face.

I grabbed the paper with a death glare at him, who responded with a grin. I unwrapped the paper and I read in calligraphic handwriting;

Henry, don't forget that today your grandma is coming. I will be expecting you home before six o'clock. Please do not smell like you've just gotten out of a pub.

Love you, Mum.

P.s.; Also do not smell like you've been chain-smoking all day.

"Oho, nice! Dinner with the granny!!! Love it!" I will say elbowing his sides while grinning widely. On his face, a great frown, while rolling his eyes at me. His relationship with his grandparents was not the best. They thought him to be a lazy young man who only knows how to spend his father's money. They are really cold and unwelcoming. No wonder why Henry always stays with me when they are in town since we became friends.

"Shut up... What the fuck am I supposed to do with those fuckers now?! And with the fucking 'campus volunteering' bullshit?! I can't very well go to my mum in front of my grandparents and be like 'Hey mum! Unfortunately, I cannot stay for dinner with my god awful grandparents because I was assigned volunteering work as punishment on my first day ever at university because my best friend and I spilled tea on a projector and ruined the presentation.'" He said as we moved towards his car.

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