Double Trouble

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I'm 10 weeks today, it's felt weird not having to go to work. Twice as much stress has been on us between work and preparing for the baby's arrival in a couple months.

Evan keeps saying work isn't the same without me on duty, but I'm worried he might be stressed about being a new father. I've also been stressing thinking about..what's gonna happen after the baby's here? I don't wanna quit my job entirely to take care of him or her, and I know Buck doesn't want to either.

However, we just know the baby needs both parents most of all, we may not know how, but we'll make it work.

I sat on the counter buttoning Evan's shirt before he had to leave, "have you thought about baby names?" I ask, he let out a slight chuckle, "I haven't thought about it, I thought you were thinking of names.."

"Not really I haven't thought about it either.." I say finishing the last button. "You look so good." I say admiring him and putting my hands on his shoulders. Buck looked at me up and down "And you look perfect."

He kissed me slowly and then I rested my head on his shoulder as he held me close and I closed my eyes for a moment. When I opened my eyes I see the clock and my eyes widen

"Oh my god is that the time??" I pull away from the hug and Buck turns around, then looks back at me. "I should get going." He says

I nod, "me too, I've got an ultrasound appointment.."

Buck had a sad look on his face, "I'm sorry I can't be there with you.." it hurt my heart as well, but we both know how complicated things are between work and everything. "It's okay love, but I better get going.." I kissed him goodbye and we both went our seperate ways


I was stuck in traffic and it was making me frustrated and anxious, I didn't wanna be late and this isn't a really good feeling. All of a sudden we see a car crash into another vehicle, my jaw dropped and I immediately got out of the car and dialed 911.

While waiting for the paramedics to arrive I saw a lady in distress bleeding from her nose, she was in the drivers seat of the car crashed into, something about her looks quite familiar..

"Miss can you hear me? What's your name?" I yell, she turned her head slowly towards me and said, "Sol...Perez.." my face froze.. how could this be happening??


I was in the hospital room with Sol after the accident and the 118 arrived just in time to save her and the other people injured. I was completely blank in the mind, they told me she wants to talk to me when she regains consciousness.

Sitting in the hospital room, staring at the floor letting my thoughts wander. Why was she here? How did she find me? Why would she ever wanna see me again? And most importantly, Does she still blame me for my cousins death?

I didn't even realize Buck came and sat next to me until I felt a hand on my thigh, "Are you okay sweetheart?" He asked me, I turn to face him, "I don't know." I sigh, "but I hope she is."

Buck put his arm around me, pulled me in closer and kissed my head. "I love that about you Shay, despite what she put you through, you still care about her." He tells me

I breathed out, "'s kind of our job you know?" I say trying not to sound vain. He shook his head and kissed me again, "I just don't know what to do..It feels like I've prepared for this moment a thousand I can't think of the right thing to say to her."

Buck held me close and rubbed my back before pulling away and looking into my eyes, "Listen to me, I'm gonna make sure she doesn't do anything to hurt you again.." he held my hands in his "We'll do this together." I smiled weakly and hugged him one more time.

When Sol woke up she spoke, "Shayla.."

I look at her with no expression shown, "Hola Tia."

She smiled and I saw a tear fall from her eye, "You're so big now."

I smile weakly, "thank you."

Her smile faded slightly, "who is this." She asked looking at Buck, "This is my husband."

He greeted her "Nice to meet you, I'm Evan."

"Sol." She smiled, "Shayla, I came to find you because I needed to talk to you I-" she paused to look at me and she sounded like her voice was breaking. "I needed to tell you, that I'm sorry."

My heart sank, it feels like a thousand pounds lifted from my shoulders. She cried again, "I'm sorry for ever blaming you.. putting you through everything, it wasn't your fault. It was mine-"

"Tia No!" I stopped her, "it wasn't your fault! There's nothing either of us could've done for Naomi. Anything else could've happened to her and it all could've turned out to be the same today. Life turned out the way it did, and it's not your fault."

Sol looked at me with eyes that I had never seen before, and finally spoke, "You've grown so much. You've become such a beautiful strong woman, and I'm so proud of you."

"And I'm proud of you, for getting better, I'm really glad you forgive me Tia, and just know that I will always forgive you." My eyes were blurry until I blinked the tears away.

She smiled happily and talked to me about everything, when we left the hospital I had felt like I had healed so much more.


After a long talk with Tia Sol, she stayed for a couple of days in the city, we made sure she got to the airport safely. Of course I don't trust her 100%, but I do still care for her well-being.

Since I had to reschedule the ultrasound, Buck was able to come with me since it was his day off, I was more than excited to see our little one on the big screen.

"Are you nervous?" I ask Buck, "Just really excited." He answered as the doctor rubbed the transducer probe across my belly, we looked at the monitor and something looked a bit weird about it.

"Is something wrong with the baby?" Buck asked, the doctor shook his head and said, "No, look closer."

We look again and gasp out of amazement, we look at the doctor then back at the monitor..

"Are we..?"

"No way.."

The doctor nodded, Buck and I looked at eachother..

"We're having twins."

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