Me & You

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I was clearly nervous about going to work the next day, so when I got there I had filled in Hen on what had happened the day prior. She said to just give Buck some time to cool down before trying to talk to him again.

I took her advice on it so when I saw Buck he was talking to Eddie, Chimney and Bobby. Buck was probably saying I'm a bad girlfriend for not trusting him, but I guess I deserved it.

The day went on as usual, except Buck didn't want to really talk to me unless he had to, but at the same time it didn't look like he was angry at me anymore.

When I tried to apologize to Buck he just said it's okay and he told me he didn't wanna talk about it right now. Luckily he made it seem like he'd much rather talk about it after work

We ended up having to go on a call to a concert place, where the stage lights fell on the performer. Luckily it was just a sound check so it wasn't with a full audience or anything, when we go there we found the performers name was Olivia.

When we got there we found that Olivia was unconscious, we went to her, I was closer to I go to her and feel her pulse, "she's got a pulse and she's still breathing, Olivia can you hear me?" I say

I see her slowly open her eyes, "yea" she groaned, as the others lift the lights off her body, Hen and I stayed with her to do the protocol, "what happened..?" Olivia asked looking to the ceiling, "you had an accident, the lights fell on you sweetheart." Hen explained, I held Olivia's hand for comfort as I saw she was starting to feel frightened

Since the people said she hit her head when she fell, I shined my little light to her eyes, "Okay Olivia, how old are you?"


"Can you tell me what year it is?"


"Do you know where you are?"

"My soundcheck" she groaned. I put away my light and they soon put her on a spinal board when she said, "Oh my god..Georgie.."

We exchanged confused looks, "I'm sorry who?" Bobby asked, "she's in the back building please..bring her to me.." she says before falling asleep. "Buckley, Perez, go to the back building and find Georgie, bring her back as soon as possible." Bobby told us

"Got it cap" we said in unison as we headed off, luckily it was only one other building behind where they were. There were no stairs or ladders outside though. We did see blue lights on from the windows of the top floor.

"What's your brilliant plan to get up there Perez?" Buck says in a monotone voice.

I look over at him, "I'm gonna fire my grabbling hook gun, climb up to the roof and crash in through the skyline."

He looked at me astounded, "really?"

I keep looking at him for a few seconds, "No." I motion past him towards the back door that was slightly opened,"Oh." I heard him say.

As we walked up the stairs we looked out for anyone else besides little Georgie, who I assume was a little girl. "LAFD anyone in here?" We shouted, we couldn't find anyone until we reached the top floor and found a man laying on the floor next to a bottle of pills.

"LAFD! Sir are you okay?"

He didn't say anything, suddenly we heard the sound of a jingle and a small maltese dogs ran towards me and Buck.

I checked to see if he had a pulse, when I explained to Buck he told me, "You carry the dog I'll carry him" I nod and see him pull the man onto his back.

I picked up the dog and see her nametag reads, Georgie, funny.

We got out and brought the unconscious man and reunited Olivia with her Dog, she thanked us and took off with the ambulance.

It turns out the man was in charge of the lights wasn't feeling well and had taken too much pain reliever. Hopefully this wouldn't be happening again, so I'll be keeping my eye on this girl.

On the way back to the station we all talked about what had just happened. When we got back Buck asked to talk to me after work, I agreed. Hopefully this wasn't him trying to break up with me..


"So Georgie was a dog? Who did you think it was?" Maddie asked as I had her on facetime. "I don't know she passed out before she could tell us. I just would've thought she was a person " I laugh

Maddie took a second to speak, "You're really good at what you do Shayla."

"What? Doing hair?"

She laughed, "No, saving lives."

I finished straightening the last strand of hair and put the flat iron down and turning it off, "Thanks Maddie, I could say the same about you. You do so much to help people everyday." I say.

We talked for a bit about life and things we've come across during our job experiences, "I'm really lucky to have you around Maddie you're the best." I say truly, earning a warm smile from her.

"You too Shayla," I start combing my hair, "No really.. I don't know what I'd so without you" She smiles then changes to a observing look "What about Buck?"

"What About Buck?" I ask confused, she motions past me, I turn around and see Buck standing at the doorway of my room. "Oh Hi Buck.." I say, I had forgotten I texted him to just come in.

"Hi Shayla" he says, "I'll leave you guys to it." Maddie says before we ended the call. I get up from my vanity and walk towards Buck, "Okay first of all I'm really sorry. I was crazy for jumping to conclusions like that..I'm sorry." I tell him.

Buck looks at me with sad but deep eyes, "Shayla, I promise you I'd never lie or cheat on you. Not with Taylor, not with anyone.." he takes both my hands in his and looked back into my eyes, "I love you."

I felt my mouth open slightly, "What?" He put his hand on my cheek and tilts my head up, then presses his lips on mine, "I love you Shayla Perez. I'll say it a million times over again, there's no one in this world I want more than you."

I leaned in close and wrap my arms around him, "I love you too Evan... can you ever forgive me?" I ask pulling away, he smiles, "of course baby" he kisses my forehead "just promise me you'll trust me from now on? If you do feel jealous just talk to me, okay?"

I nodded, he pulls me back in for another hug. Suddenly I hear my phone buzzing on my vanity, when I looked to see who it was, I saw that it was my older sister, Lyza.


"Hey little sis! You're still coming to the wedding next saturday right?" She asks,

"Yeah of course I am!"

"Okay hermana, make sure to bring a cute plus one!" She says sounding excited, I look at Buck nervously, "Mhm, I think so.."

"Okay sounds great, nos vemos hermana, cuidate!"
(See you sister, take care!)

"Tu tambien"
(You too)

I hang up the phone, and look at Buck, "what happened babe?" I put my phone in my pocket, "oh my sister called to make sure I'm still going to her wedding next Saturday.."

He looks at me waiting for me to finish, "And I was wondering..If you would be my plus one?"

He smiles, "of course baby what time is it gonna be and where?" I go to my vanity and look at the invitation, "A venue like 30 minutes from here at 7pm"

"Sounds like a date." He says, I walk closer to Buck and wrap my arms around his neck, as he wraps his around my waist. We look at ourselfs in the mirror, "Me and you" I say, he smiles and kisses me on the cheek and says, "I wouldn't want it any other way."

You Light Up My Life (E. Buckley)Where stories live. Discover now