Chapter 2

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"I'm sorry what?! I half screamed. "You can't be serious?" I had just come home from school and had gone inside for a snack only to find not a snack but my parents. I knew from the look on their faces that they wanted a looooooong talk. Ugh i didn't really have time for this kinda stuff. Apparently we are moving! My parents said they got a calling to go be missionaries to the united states! OF ALL PLACES! So i did what any normal person who is in shock i went into my bedroom and balled my eyes out! 

                My face was dried out from the loss of tears when i stopped. Everything i knew was here my friends my family, the beach the wind, I would miss it all! It was late before i went into my bathroom to brush my teeth and brush my hair! What a wreck I was! My hair was a lump of tangles on my head and my clothes were wrinkled.

                    The following day I woke up...duh that's what everyone does. Mom and dad always make me read the bible every morning. Not the first the thing i want to do when i wake up. I am NOT a morning person my brother can testify. So after I read my bible I went downstairs, yes i have a downstairs you're probably thinking my house is a mud hut with a straw roof? Well it's not! 

                     My room is my sanctuary. It has light blue walls that are covered with pictures and...just random stuff. My desk sits at the far right corner above it. I put up some fairy lights. Yes we have electricity! Out of my bedroom door there is a halfway house. To the right is Carlos's room and to the left is the bathroom. Downstairs the walls are a gray cloud blue...that didn't make any sense! OK it's a gray blue color. Better? The house is open concept(I watch a lot of home improvement shows, yes i have a TV) The kitchen is to the left where my mom LOVES cooking! I don't mean like she cooks a decent breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'm saying she goes all out! But I can't complain that her food is delicious! 

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