But at the same time, they've never really made an effort to get to know me either.

Isaac on the other hand is making an effort-despite my unprofessional behaviour the first time we met. And that in itself says a lot about him already. The mere fact that I would be making new friends brings a smile to my face.

However, as I get out of the bath and walk into my room, I'm reminded about that video and the fact that these people which I've never met have probably seen it.

The thought made me freeze on the spot.

Does this mean they already have an impression of me without even meeting me? God, does this mean that they don't like me?

What was I thinking saying yes? This was a bad idea. I should tell him something came up. I know that it's my anxiety talking and I would regret this decision but I reach for my phone telling myself I have to study.

Yeah right.

However, before I can click on Isaac's name my phone buzzes with a message from Charlie. My heart flutters in response. I click on his message instead.


Watching the game tonight?

Are you excited?

Fucking terrified too.


Anxiety. I feel like I'm gonna mess it all up

The more I get to know Charlie, the more I realise he's not what I made him out to be. He can be a jackass sometimes and it might seem to the outside world that he's got everything going on great, but he experiences human emotions just like any other person. Obviously. I just always thought he has it all figured out, knows what he wants and goes after it. But for the first time, I feel like I can relate to him.

When was the last time you ate?

I had a protein shake after my weight training. Around 5?

My eyes fleet to the time. Almost two hours ago. I take a seat on the edge of the bed.

weight training?
Wouldn't that make you tired for the game?

Everyone thinks that but it's quite the opposite.
It's scientifically proven that it improves performance.

So you practised. You weight trained. You turned down my pizza yesterday bc you were eating clean. You put in all the work.

I did.

But there's something else.

I take a second to think about what it could be.

It's about your accident, isn't it?

No. It's not.

I bite my lips at his response. Before I can urge him to be honest, another message pops in.

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