The meet

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Edd is siting on the couch with ringo on is lap. There's a ad for Bacon Cola on the T.V. Then out of no where a portal opens

Everyone: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!

Five kids come out and land on top of eachother

???: God damn it! Why did we do this again?

????: Because, it was Aira's idea! And it was cool

Aira: Well your the one who has the powers, あなたは私と一緒に正しいソビ?  

Sobi: はい

??: Can we all just calm down

??? and ????: NO LEO!

Edd: Ummmm....who are you guys

Aira looks up at Edd and smiles ear to ear


Aira runs and hugs Edd and pets Ringo

Edd: What the-

Aira: Ringo! I missed you but I also don't get to see you correct?

Ringo: Meow?

???: Aira! please!

Aira: Lydia please you know I never see my dad!

Lydia: Yes but we can't mess with the timeline

Lydia tries to pull Aira off but she can't 

Aira: My face!

Aira gets up and looks in the mirror. They hear footsteps running down the hall

Matt: What happened!? 

Aira looks and starts to freak out

Aira: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mom, hello!

???: Aira! Shut it!

Lydia: Rita no!

Matt: What's going on?

Edd: I don't know. Hey kid!

Aira looks at Edd

Aira: Yes dad?!

Edd: Why are you calling me and Matt dad and mom? Who are your really parents?

Aira: You guys!

Edd and Matt look at eachother 

Edd: Me and M-Matt?

Aira: Yes! Correct! 

Sobi: アイラ、落ち着いて頂けますか?

Aira: わかりました、わかりました、しかしそれは私のせいではありません私は私のお父さんを愛しています

Sobi: どうもありがとうございました!

Aira jumps off Edd. Tom comes walking down the hall

Tom: What the hell is going on!?

Leo and Rita: Hey mom! 

They go over

Rita: Leo! What time is it?!

Leo: 4:50

Rita: Oh my! It's almost time for dinner time!

Leo: Then we need to get to work!

Rita: Crymini!

Leo: Vox!

Rita and Leo knock on there heads and two souls leave there bodys

Crymini: Vox! VOX!

Vox: *Yawn* Yeah

Crymini: It's time to-

Tord walks in as Vox and Crymini go back into Rita and Leo

Rita: Father

Leo: Father 

Tord: What?

Tom: WHAT?!

Rita: Yeah? 

Leo: Anyways...It's time to cook!

Rita: Yeah...

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