Chapter 5: Don't Drive Me Blind

Start from the beginning

"Let him sleep, Peter. Can't blame him for being so tuckered out, I'm known to wear a guy out." Jazz mused with a usual flirty wink added. 

Peter ignored the comment and tempting dirty thoughts of his purple-haired friend going through his mind and focused on the door to the room where Niall was asleep. The smoker's gaze was completely transfixed on the door in the hallway waiting for it to open and reveal the bastard he called a "friend". To his dismay, the door didn't budge at all. Being stuck in the living room with Jazz was getting to be uncomfortable, even if the girl was practically eye candy with the way she showed off her body. 

It was only a few seconds until a distant cheery laugh was audible coming from outside of the apartment; Jazz and Peter already knew who it was all too well. A thump was heard against the door once the laughs became louder as well as a whine. Peter didn't know why he hung out with these people, something was wrong with all of them. Needless to say, Peter had his own set of problems; which is why he was drawn to these distraught individuals he shared love-hate feelings for. 

"Are you going to open the door for her at least? You've been sitting there with that blank look for too long, make yourself useful and let the lass in." Jazz barked, her sudden change in ton startling Peter. He didn't bother making any remarks to her and decided to just follow her orders. Jazz knew how to be mean, and everyone else knew not to mess with her when in this mood. 

Peter quickly got up from the couch and carefully opened the door knowing that the girl both him and Jazz had in mind was slumped against it. Jazz giggled when Nell wearily crawled through the doorway and into the apartment, letting Peter shut it tightly after her. Just one look at Nell and you'd question the last time she was sober. The white's of her eyes were a light shade of red, the look on her face full on telling you that she was wasted.

"Where's....wh-where's blondie..?" Nell slurred followed by a loud hiccup and delirious giggle. Not only was she high, but she was also drunk out of her mind; the strong smell of whiskey making it completely obvious. Jazz and Peter ignored her questions seeing no point into answering Nell's question when she didn't know half the things she was talking about, let alone asking. 

Nell crawled her way to the empty side of the couch where Peter was seated at and immediately made herself comfortable before concentrating on whatever shapes and images she could see on the ceiling while intoxicated. Jazz giggled as Nell pointed at the ceiling and began to rant aimlessly about the giraffe she had seen running across it. 

"Honestly, Nell, what are we going to do with you?" Jazz exclaimed in between her giggles she tried to muffle out of embarrassment.

Amidst all of the commotion Peter had once again locked his gaze on the door in the hallway, he couldn't take these odd feelings going through him anymore. The worst part was the he couldn't know if he was angry, jealous, or just wanting to punch both Niall and Jazz in the face for upsetting him so much. 'You don't even have feelings for her, save your feelings for someone else. She's just another whore,' Peter thought to himself as he waited in the loud clamor of Jazz giggling and Nell slurring random words. For a split moment he let his eyes wander to Jazz, but quickly looked away once he realized that he shouldn't be feeling this way about her. But yet, Peter couldn't help himself from stealing another glance, this time being caught red handed by so called "whore" he had begun to have feelings for. 

"Like what you see?" she joked and stuck out her tongue before turning her attention on Nell who as always was having the time of her life. 

'If only you knew,'  Peter sarcastically thought as he let his eyes sneakily roam over Jazz's body with hunger and a heavy heartbeat. These sudden feeling he had developed for her had caught him off guard, Peter never thought he would find himself crushing on a girl like Jazz. Something drew him to her however, be it her confidence, her flirty attitude, or her perfectly toned and proportioned body that was always on display for eyes to see. 

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