The Project PT.2

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This Chapter is made by MiniNejiOwO

Marinette POV

When we got to my room I couldn't help but be flustered! Adrien. THE ADRIEN AGRESTE IS IN MY ROOM! Why am I yelling in my head!?!?




Who's talking?


" Huh?!?!"

I was brought back to real life when Adrien said my name!

"Adrien? (//////)"

"Marinette, lets start our project." He said

"O..ok!" I yelled

Oh no what if I hurt his ears! What if I made him deaf or-

Adrien's POV

Why is Marinette so red? Is she still sick? Hmmmm..... Weird. I don't think she's still sick. Maybe she has a fever?? I'm not sure. Maybe I should ask her.

"Hey,Marinette? Are you ok,you're very red." I said

"Oh-I um..e-" she "said".

Hmm. Maybe she is still sick?

Marinette's dad came in. I think his name is Tom. He offered us some Ice Lollies. We both ate our Lollies. (Ice Lollies are popsicles). I got a blue raspberry one and she got a lemon one.

A few minuted later we were almost finished. I got a call from my Father.

" Wait just a moment,Marinette. Sorry." I said to her

[Adrien,I need to tell you to subscribe to my YouTube channel!]

[You have a YouTube channel?]

I'm not convinced that he has a YouTube channel

[Yes! My YouTube channel is PewDiePie]

[Bi- wtf-]

I hung up. Wtf was that.... 0-0

"Hey Marinette lets get back to working!" I said

"Ok?" She said. I'm glad she didn't hear the call. I swear. Was that even my dad..? Like bruh-

(No offence to PewDiePie OwO)

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