First Day At School

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Kokichis pov

Today we were taken kota in for his first day at day care. Miski was coming with him so we didn't have to worry about him not making friends.

"now kota if you're feeling homesick you just tell the teacher and we'll come and pick you up ok?"

"okay mommy!" kota chirped.

"ok have a good day sweetie!" he jumped out of the car and ran up to miski. I leaned back in my car seat with a sigh. I hope things go well from here.

Kotas pov

I ran into the daycare with miski and man was this place a toy paradise! Me and miski immediately ran over to the trucks and started bashing them into each other. I saw navy hair out of the corner of my eye.

"saiko!" I yelled running up to her.

"hi kota" saiko said smiling.

"saiko is mako here" I asked.

"yep! He's right over here" she said pulling mako out from behind a wall

"hi" shuichi said shyly.

We then spent the first half of playtime playing together. Then the teacher took us outside to play.

After a while a kid came running up to us.

"hey I bet your not brave enough to go up to the giant!"

"a giant" miski, mako and saiko yelled in fright. But I wasn't afraid!

"I'm not afraid! Show me where the giant is!"

"over there half-pint! I bet you get scared half way there!"

"I will not!" I yelled running up to the giant.

I noticed that he was crying. "why are you crying?"

He looked up at me "cause all the kids run away from me! How come your not running away? Your so small after all!"

"I am not!" I pouted "I'm brave! In fact I have a giant daddy myself so you should be afraid of me!"

"really?" he looked at me in surprise.

I nodded firmly "I'm not scared of you at all! In fact I'm going to play with you!" I touched his forehead "tag your it!"

We played tag for a bit but miski stepped in front of us glaring at the giant.

"stop chasing my friend you mean giant!" he yelled.

"miski he wasn't chasing me we were playing tag" I pouted at him "and anyway he's a nice giant."

They looked over at him "hi my name is kentaro ogami" he walked over and poked miski in the chest "tag your it!" he ran off.

"hey no fair! I won't let you get away with that!" miski yelled chasing after kentaro.

We spent the rest of the day playing tag. Then the teacher came out telling us that our parents are here to pick us up. I ran over to mummy and gave him a hug.

"hey baby did you have lots of fun today?"

"yep I made lots of friends today. I even befriended a giant!"

"wow that sounds cool how about we go home and you can tell daddy and me all about your day"

With that mummy picked me up and carried me home.

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